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Tutor Sakura mochi 's Column

ひな人形(にんぎょう)がそろいました Hina-dolls completed

Вторник, 1 Март 2022 r. 11:18



March 3rd is Hinamatsuri Day, the doll festival for girls. 
I made a kimono ‘juuni-hitoe’ of the female hina-doll(Teddy) last year. As it was very difficult to make, I couldn’t make one for a male doll. Finally, it is complete now!


The kimono for men is called ‘sokutai’. It is from about 1,000 years ago.
The back is like this.
It has a white and long train-like cloth of a bride called ‘kyo’. The black belt has stone-ornaments. That's why it is called ‘sekitai(石帯)’. The ornament on the right side of the bear’s waist is ‘gyotai’, which has a golden fish ornament. They say it had a role of something like an ID.


He wears an ornament like a narrow apron called ‘hirao’. The board on his right hand is ‘shaku’. They say something important for a ritual is written on it. What⁉ It was a cheat sheet



In addition to the last year's juuni-hitoe, women’s kimono,  I made a new folding fan this year. It is a special fan called ‘hiougi’.


Excluding the cloth of kimonos, I made other things with disused things, such as a cap of a bottle, old buttons, etc.
They are recycling crafts! 
The man’s kimono was more difficult to make.  In the past, noble men were very fashionable!

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