Deja que el mundo condimente tu vida

Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Billy 's Column

Someone Needs To Hear This Today


5 Steps To Change Your Life

 I want to take a moment basic tools needed to change your life. When you invest in yourself, you invest in your future.


1.        Take some time to disconnect yourself from your world, shut your cellphone, turn the TV off power down your computer, sit your body down for few minutes, and close your eyes.


2.       Take some slow breaths and centre your attention in the present moment, so that you have more energy to create with.  When your mind wanders to the unpredictable future or the familiar past, that normal. Just become aware of it and work on settling yourself back to the present. When you’re in the present moment, you're the most creative state.


3.       Ask yourself, can I be defined by the vision of the future instead of the memories of the past ?


What do I want my life to be? Take some time to think about this question and your answer to it.

As you, begin to think more about the answer to the question, Youre changing your brain.

When you make your brain to fire in new sequences and new patterns, that’s the beginning stages of changing your mind.

Next, decide on the emotions you will feel, when you begin to create that future.

Teach your body emotionally what that future is going to feel like. Don’t get up until you begin to feel those emotions.


4.       Rehearse the new way, rehearse in your mind what you’re going to be in your new life, the things you need to do, the new choices you have to make, the people you are going to distance yourself from and the steps youre going to make. Review the plan over and over again in your mind until it is clear.


5.        You can go on to the future holding on to the biology of the past. Decide what thoughts you want to bring in the future, which people you are going to bring into your new future.


Write them down. Eliminate the negative thoughts like, its too hard, I cant, I am not good at this, I will start doing this tomorrow, its not my fault but someone else.


Decide on the behaviors and the habits you want to change. How do you want to talk in the new future, eliminate complaining, making excuses, blaming other people, feeling sorry for yourself


just become so conscious of those behaviors that will never go on your conscience again and lastly you have to decide what emotions never belongs in my future, that means. that means if you want to be wealthy you cant take lack or scarcity mentality

If you want to be healthy and cant take the insecurity and fear.


 you got to begin to  condition your body into a  new mind .if you do this  every single day, your personality will create your personal reality.

And your personality is made up of how you think, how you act and how you feel.


Change anyone of those things and you change your life. And begin to measure the effects and the change you will cause around you.


Give it a SHOT!





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