View: 5134 | Воскресенье, 7 Август 2022 r. 05:05
Lizzie H
American ice cream flavors
When it's hot outside, there's nothing like a nice cold ice cream to cool you down!Recently, I went...
View: 4085 | Воскресенье, 24 Июль 2022 r. 00:35
Lizzie H
Which which? (どれのWHICH?)
Did you know there are several ways to use which in English? In Japanese, どれ can mean which in En...
View: 5164 | Понедельник, 18 Июль 2022 r. 08:26
Lizzie H
英語のあいづち (Or why you should say “Yeah” more often!)
英語のあいづち (Or why you should say “Yeah” more often!) When I started learning Japanese, they taught ...
View: 4213 | Вторник, 28 Июнь 2022 r. 05:03
Lizzie H
I accidentally got my childhood dream job!?
You know, when I was a kid, I didn’t really think very hard about professions. My parents didn’t pu...
View: 5084 | Вторник, 14 Июнь 2022 r. 11:30
Lizzie H
Pride Month: LGBTQ vocabulary in English
In many countries, sexuality and gender can be sensitive subjects. However, where I live, more and ...
View: 3113 | Вторник, 31 Май 2022 r. 21:43
Lizzie H
Singing in the Rain
In the state where I live, we don't get a whole lot of rain. In fact, the natural color of the gras...
View: 3664 | Среда, 18 Май 2022 r. 15:00
Lizzie H
アメリカの春の気配…Lemonade Stands!
When I was biking to the post office the other day, I came across a sight that brought back a lot o...
View: 3415 | Четверг, 28 Апрель 2022 r. 00:57
Lizzie H
看板リーディング・Reading in the city! (Traffic and parking!)
Hello friends! Do you ever wonder whether you could navigate an American city using signs? I know t...
View: 3823 | Понедельник, 4 Апрель 2022 r. 08:41
Lizzie H
The Power of Ice Cream: My First Experience with a Foreign Language
When I was a kid, there was one thing that really got me motivated like nothing else: ice cream. So...
View: 3903 | Среда, 23 Март 2022 r. 05:59
Lizzie H
クラスメイトの英語表現を授業中にこっそり書いてみました ②
アメリカの学生はどういう英語を使うか気になったことはありますか?言語が好きな私は常に表現の使い方を気にしているので、たまにはこっそりノートに書きます。その結果は… この記事です! クラスメイ...
View: 4140 | Воскресенье, 6 Март 2022 r. 05:43 | 2
Lizzie H
How are youにどう答えればいい?
How should you answer the question “How are you?”私が英会話センターで教えていた頃、いつも生徒さんに聞いてみました:How are you? 答えられ...
View: 5683 | Воскресенье, 20 Февраль 2022 r. 05:57
Lizzie H
クラスメイトの英語表現を授業中にこっそり書いてみました ①
教科書で習う英語表現は本当に使われている英語とどのくらい違いますか? How different is "textbook English" from the English people use ...
View: 4559 | Пятница, 11 Февраль 2022 r. 09:05
Lizzie H
My agenda
Hi everyone! Do you like to keep organized? When I started living in Japan, I was amazed by all ...
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