View: 1109 | Вторник, 18 Июнь 2024 r. 02:48
Summer Special
I Have had a crazy year, but now school has finished hopefully things will be calmer.Come join me f...
View: 2784 | Вторник, 30 Март 2021 r. 16:27
I love April a month of fun, birthdays, holidays, Springtime. I want you t...
View: 3534 | Воскресенье, 4 Октябрь 2020 r. 23:54 | 2
Early Bird or Night Owl
I like to think of myself as a Night Owl.I'm happy to be awake all (mos...
View: 3212 | Четверг, 27 Сентябрь 2018 r. 21:19
Holiday Time
Now is a time of many holidays, Jewish holidays, Muslim holidays, Chinese and Japanese holidays, se...
View: 3310 | Понедельник, 14 Ноябрь 2016 r. 06:28
No more changes
After a period with too many changes, now things are settled. Attached is a picture of my new home...
View: 3274 | Вторник, 2 Сентябрь 2014 r. 16:38
Back to School
Summer, summer has gone. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5-X093jLj4) Fun and freedom, frol...
View: 2388 | Пятница, 11 Июль 2014 r. 16:36
Summer fun
Summer is here. For sports fans it is an exciting time, the World Cup, Wimbledon, Tour de France t...
View: 2391 | Пятница, 22 Ноябрь 2013 r. 16:32
Idioms - Expressions
Learning idioms and expressions are a great way to improve you level of language. Do you know wh...
View: 3140 | Среда, 17 Июль 2013 r. 19:07
July hot, hot, hot
Well, I'm not sure what it is like where you are but here it is so hot outside, it feels like you m...
View: 3063 | Вторник, 16 Июль 2013 r. 16:30
So tell me how is your July going? Are you watching Wimbledon? or Maybe the cricket? Are you foll...
View: 3787 | Вторник, 5 Март 2013 r. 22:18
March Madness
We are now into the third month of the year. Are you keeping your resolutions? Are things going a...
View: 4384 | Среда, 20 Февраль 2013 r. 05:37
For me February has been a month of celebrations: Starting with a holiday for celebrating the tree...
View: 4248 | Четверг, 23 Август 2012 r. 17:11
End of Summer
The summer is nearly over, I would love to discuss with you how you have spent your summer and how ...
View: 4694 | Четверг, 5 Июль 2012 r. 15:40
Stuck in Cyber
Wow that was painful. I got stuck in CyberSpace and couldn't get free, but now the geeks from Ca...
View: 5186 | Пятница, 30 Март 2012 r. 04:39
April's Fool
What is an April's Fool? Want to talk about Easter? Spring Break? The titantic? Charlie Chaplin...
View: 5208 | Вторник, 6 Март 2012 r. 16:19
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is su...
View: 5234 | Четверг, 2 Февраль 2012 r. 16:41
"Surely as cometh the Winter, I knowThere are Spring violets under the snow."- R. H. New...
View: 5440 | Четверг, 29 Декабрь 2011 r. 00:58
There are so many holidays and festive events at this time of year. We could sit and discuss the...
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