View: 136 | 2025-01-09
Dean William
Questions about learning English.
1. Are you really serious about improving your English in a conversational way? If you answered y...
View: 145 | 2025-01-07
Dean William
A short explanation about English.
Question: What is English? Answer: English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the eart...
View: 148 | 2025-01-06
Dean William
Questions about English.
Question 1: What is your true intensions for learning English? Question 2: Why do you want to tal...
View: 206 | 2025-01-04
Dean William
A true comment about learning English.
When it comes to learning English, there are many that will say that they can help you to become a ...
View: 196 | 2024-12-28
Dean William
What’s the most important thing to you?
This is a question with many different types of answers, which can clearly describe the true identi...
View: 200 | 2024-12-22
Dean William
A short story to make one to become smarter.
A farmer once said, “I can farm all day, everyday, every month, and every year, but unless I have t...
View: 350 | 2024-12-08
Dean William
About Christmas...
It’s that time of year when the day is about to approach where many families from all around the wo...
View: 487 | 2024-12-05
Dean William
What makes an English teacher to be a good teacher?
This is a question that many have not properly addressed in a clear way. So because of that, I will...
View: 677 | 2024-11-17
Dean William
Japan ranks 92nd in English proficiency, lowest ever.
(The Mainichi Shimbun News Online)https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20241114/p2a/00m/0na/007000c...
View: 637 | 2024-11-16
Dean William
About Learning English.
When it comes to learning English, there are many who’s only concern is to pass an English exam and...
View: 781 | 2024-10-28
Dean William
True meaning of Halloween.
Now that Halloween is near, here’s a question for all. Do you know what the true meaning of Hallo...
View: 768 | 2024-10-22
Dean William
Why is it hard to improve ones English?
The answer to this question is pure and simple. 1. It’s because you are someone who’s not willing...
View: 784 | 2024-10-17
Dean William
Question about learning English.
Has anyone wondered why some people are able to learn English faster than others? Maybe it’s beca...
View: 907 | 2024-10-03
Dean William
True facts about English.
For those who thinks and believes that the English language is not a necessary language to learn, h...
View: 968 | 2024-09-25
Dean William
Improving English through reading.
Improving English through reading. When it comes to learning English, reading is an essential p...
View: 900 | 2024-09-01
Dean William
A truth about learning different languages.
Here’s a real truth when it comes to learning different languages… It really doesn’t matter how m...
View: 974 | 2024-08-29
Dean William
Why isn’t my English getting any better?
Has anyone thought about why their English isn’t getting any better? It’s because you aren’t putt...
View: 981 | 2024-08-10
Dean William
Some useful information about learning English.
When it comes to learning English, there are many who will say that their method is one of the best...
View: 1046 | 2024-07-15
Dean William
Correct English Pronunciation.
This is a topic that has been brought up in conversation over and over again without getting a real...
View: 1135 | 2024-06-03
Dean William
Basic English Conversation information.
When it comes to having a basic conversation with someone in English, it’s something that’s not tha...
View: 1443 | 2024-03-28
Dean William
A saying about Healthy living and learning English.
One who eats healthy foods are those who cares about themselves in a healthy way, while those who a...
View: 1487 | 2024-03-02
Dean William
How can I improve my English?
There are many who likes to ask this question without taking any notice that the answer is right in...
View: 1512 | 2024-02-15
Dean William
Education is not only about English.
Here’s something that everyone should know which many are reluctant to talk about. Education is n...