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2016 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)

2016.1.1~6.30 Cafetalk Special Event

Thank you for learning with us this Spring/Summer 2016!

Cafetalk is livelier than ever thanks to our new tutors and categories
and we’re happy to announce that we’re opening up the polls again for this year’s Awesome Lesson Awards!

Vote for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis,
or let the world know about a new gem that you’ve discovered.

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page.
Please let us know what you think about your favorite lessons!

Period: Jun.10(Fri)~20(Mon)

Students' Voice

  • 【短めのレッスン!初心者の方大歓迎!!】アコースティックギター レッスン!

    Not only does she teach guitar, but she's given me a lot of guidance on how to "think like a musician"

    Jun 20, 2016
  • Front splits (beginners)

    Fun and effective!

    Jun 20, 2016
  • Vocabulaire 語彙1

    日本語で意思疎通出来るので、困った時にはとても助かります。 話し方が優しく、柔らかい感じがとても素敵な先生なので、緊張をときほぐして下さいます。

    Jun 20, 2016
  • Become a Native English Speaker Lesson for Elementary School Children (with homework)

    ナンバーワンです!!! この先生に着いて行けば、間違いない!!!!!! 子供の能力を最大限まで引き出してくれる先生だと私は信じてます。 これからも鍛えて下さい。

    Jun 20, 2016
  • Freestyle Korean Lesson (50 min)


    Jun 20, 2016
  • English Grammar♡Short Course


    Jun 20, 2016
  • 日本語ビジネスメール

    Great content with detailed feedback.

    Jun 20, 2016
  • Become a Native English Speaker Lesson for Elementary School Children (with homework)


    Jun 20, 2016
  • Quick Response English Challenge *Detailed Skype Notes*

     笑顔も話し方も素敵なEby先生!普段英語を使うことがない私でも、Eby先生マジックにかかると英語が口から出てきます。話しやすい雰囲気を作ってくださるので、リラックスして受けることができ、毎回アッという間にレッスンが終わってしまいます。発音も丁寧に直してくださいますし、自然な英語のリズムやイントネーションを教えてくださいます。だんな様のお話や馬のお話もとても楽しいです♪ 皆様におすすめしたい先生、レッスンです!

    Jun 20, 2016

Award Details

Cast your vote for a lesson you took
during the first half of 2016 which you think is worthy of the award.

Winner Announcement

Jun 29, 2016 (Planned)

Selection Method

The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed and feedback.

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