Aaron. N 講師のプロフィール
Hi everyone!
I hope you are ready to learn English! I have been teaching for 5 years, 2 in Australia and 3 in Japan. I love English and teaching! I look forward to speaking with you! My interests are:
-Japanese and many other languages, it is a life time goal to learn 8 languages!
-Movies, Pixar, comedy, drama, mystery and Ghibili all films.
-Graphic Design
-Spending time with my wife and two young children
-Technology, tablets, phones, computers, and the new iPad mini!
-Setting goals
-Writing and illustrating children's books
-Being outdoors and enjoying the sun!
-I also love doing business and making money :)
I am currently living here in Tasmania with my wife and two young boys, one aged 3 and a half and the other 8 months. I live in the capital city of Tasmania, which is called Hobart. Hobart is a wonderful peaceful city a bit like Nagano City in Japan, which is my wife's home town.
Q. こんにちは!まずは簡単に自己紹介をお願いします! A. 私は長坂アロンです。現在タスマニアの首都、ホバートに住んでいます。タスマニアはオーストラリアの南の方にある島です。ホバートは綺麗な都市、沢山の綺麗な景色な所や面白い動物います。私の趣味は言語を学ぶ、読書、絵を書く、デザイン、美術、ハイキング、朝早くにジョギングをする、二人の息子たちと遊ぶこと、そして家族と時間を過ごしているのが好きです...