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Cafetalk Live Seminars

Hapa英会話Jun氏ライブセミナー第3弾! 英語を話すための勉強法

メルマガ会員18,000、Podcast視聴者45,000、Youtubeチャンネル登録者46,000を超える 「Hapa英会話」発信者Jun氏のライブセミナー第3弾! 日本に居ても海外仕込み級の英語力をつけられる!? 今回はそんな疑問と期待に応える、誰もが知りたい「英会話力をつける勉強法」を Jun氏がたっぷり細やかにご紹介します。 学習の心構えから会話力アップのコツ、「2週間プラン」方法等々質疑応答を交えてレクチャー。 セミナー後はプレゼントのトレーニングプラン表を使って、即行動に移せます!! ライブまでにご購入頂いた方全員に『2週間の学習プラン表』と

Seminar Details

Date / Time:
Sun Jun 5th, 2016 10:00 (Japan Time)
About 120 Min
3,000 Points
Live viewing AND viewing of the recording are both possible



Sun Jun 5th, 2016 10:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Purchase Recording
Cafetalk tutor Hapa英会話


『Jun Senesac』

・Born and raised in Los Angeles. Half Japanese, half American
・Attended a Los Angeles school for Japanese children until 4th grade, then attended local schools
・Graduated from UC Santa Barbara in California
・Studied abroad at Hitotsubashi University in Japan for 1 year
・Worked as a coordinator for international relations at the Uchinada Town Office in Uchinada, Ishikawa for 2 years
・Returned to the US in 2011, an opened an Irvine branch of “BYB English Center,” the English school my mother had been running in Los Angeles since 1985
・First English language book to be published in Japan next spring

『Hapa Eikaiwa』

・Blog and newsletter began at the start of 2013, followed by podcasts and video broadcasts
・Monthly page views: about 1,050,000
・Newsletter subscribers: about 15,000
・Podcast listeners: about 45,000
・Youtube subscribers: 32,506
・Podcast awarded an iTunes “Best of” title two years in a row (2014, 2015)

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