Un tocco di stile alla tua vita.

Notizie da horii mitsuru


Oct 5, 2023

It is absolutely true we have ever been producing miracle results to do a little repeat things.
Today I'll show you that to use some little examples, but not big ones.
Of course the you know the examples, a corona vaccine, challenges to space, and so on, big examples.
Here is the example, an old woman, she makes many danplings which are made of floure  and rice floure. She makes them into round shape with her hands repeadly every days. She can make all the same size and shapes.   She has been  doing this for so many years.
Another example, an old man, who work at a small factory, but a famous for its good quolity in the world. He sharpens and polishes metales every days. It's so accurate work that everyone can't do like him.
The skills of both of them are so wonderful and mircle that everyone is surprised at their skills and respects them.
Long years these repeat movements of every days have made them perpect. 
Every detail of body remembers movement and can't forget it.
You agree with that, don't you?
How wonderful we do the same thing repeadly!

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