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Notizie da horii mitsuru


Jul 26, 2023

今日は偶然、「世の中からお金をなくす」ことで世界は平和になるby 前澤友作 (リンク) https://note.com/ysk2020/n/n928e4d3b3e1d を読んでこんな考えが浮かんだので、英文にしてみました。

At last rainy season has finished all over Japan!

 I have read a tweet of Yusaku Maezawa by chance today. I have got an idea from it.

What do you think of this agenda out of your standpoint?

The agenda is this " Money is the first.;   if you have money, you can do anything you want."

In the world we live, that we can't do anything without money is absolutry true. But, that you can see the fact when we have the people who suffer from disaster, we help them to give anything which are necessary for them by donating; 

There is a way of crowdfunding, and we see or hear the donations in our daily life.

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