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① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
I'm looking for a teacher who can teach me academic English, especially about sociology/social psychology once a week or less. I studied sociology/social psychology at college about 10 years ago, and I miss studying since I graduate. I want to brush up my English as well as sociology knowledge.
It doesn't need to be professional, high-level lecture, just have chat about topics around sociology/social psychology area. I'd appreciate if you can pick a textbook to use in the lesson and we study on it, but any topics/study material is welcome.
I'm looking for who provide me advice and practice for interview in English as soon as possible.
I'd like to have one lesson by week on Saturday or Sunday night. It will be from 6 pm to 10 pm. And It will take one hour in lesson. I'd like period will start from 9th Apr until 15th May. But it depends on my interview schedule.
Hello, My name is May. I'm a Japanese language teacher and I'm a student, too. I've been to study about psychological education to the college since last April. I have learned English there for a year. But I think my conversation skill doesn't improve yet. And I'm worried about speaking in English now. I want to talk more easily. I would like to talk about my work, family, hobbies, and to be able to catch natural speed English.
Thank you!
Hello, everyone.
I want to improve my English pronunciation.
Now, I'm interested in phonics. So I want to take phonics class and learn English pronunciation from basic.
I know phonics usually for kids, but I really want to learn phonics and improve my pronunciation.
Actually, My English is poor(not only pronunciation but also speaking).
I'm doing a little well with grammar, listening and reading, but I'm not good at conversation. Especially, I can't response with full sentence.
Would you help me?
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
Hi, I'm Mao, Japanese man. I'm looking for a person who gives me an advise about how to get a job in UK. I have the work permit in UK, because I married with Italian woman and she lives in UK, she works as employee. I'm struggling to get a job in UK, I alreday have sent my CV to more than 20 companies, but I can't get any chance to take an interview. I'm wondering whether I should continue applying in the same way or not, so I would like to talk with a person who knows well.