- 网络连接 ①
- 语音耳机 ②
- 网络摄像头(推荐使用)
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
English lesson For kids, No skype, Reading and Writing
My daughter is 8 years old. She just came back from the States and she can speak English fluently, can read and write English better than Japanese right now. But now she is going to Japanese elementary school. I don't want her to forget English and she wants to keep her English skill so that she can keep communicating with her friends in the States.
But it's kind of difficult to take specific time in front of PC since her little brother bothers her. So I want "NO SKYPE LESSON" for reading and writing.
Of course, for the very first time, student and teacher need to see each other so that the teacher will know the student's English level. After that, each time a student request, the teacher gives reading and writing assignment to the student.
After the student gets the assignment, they read the material and answer the questions and do some writing assignment for maybe one week or so.
And then, the teacher checks the answers and corrects the writing and makes some comments about them.
And then, the teacher returns them to the students.
Plus, if there is a mini class like 15 minutes Skype class separately for students to ask questions about the assignment to teacher face to face when they need it, that would be great.
If the teacher knows well about elementary school kids' books for each grades, that would be perfect.
I'm looking for a Japanese Teacher who can speak English. I've been here in Japan for almost 2 years but I still cannot speak the language because
#1. I don't have Friends / Japanese friends here
#2. My work doesn't require me to speak in Japanese.
I know some Japanese words but I can't speak a complete sentence.
I hope you can give me specific topics during our lesson.
As of the moment, I want to focus more on conversations.
Thanks a lot!
Hello,Cafetalk teachers.
I've been looking for a tutor/ class on Cafetalk but it is difficult for me to fine one, so I've decided to post it here.
The reason why I am looking for the class is because I would like to study English from intermediate to advanced since I've decided to get into ESL class in American college.
I really enjoy leaning English here, but I still don't get used to study English in English. I still have 3 months until school starts, so I would like to use this time effectively.
These are what I want to learn in class
I'm looking forward hearing from you.
Thank you.
My daughter is 2 years old and is deaf and I want to be able to communicate with her...I am currently teaching myself SEE Sign but am looking for a tutor to help me along. SEE Sign is "Signing Exact English". SEE sign uses many of the same signs as ASL but is different from ASL in many ways. For example, it translates English exactly as opposed to using its own grammar and syntax and modifies words by adding an -s on to the sign for tree to create the word "trees" instead of "tree, tree, tree" used in ASL.
Thank you for your time!
Hola amigos!
I'm looking for someone to help me learn Spanish once a week (on a day that is preferable to you–I only cannot do Thursdays). I have a working knowledge of Spanish, but am more or less a beginner. You can check out my progress on Duolingo if it helps understand my level so far (www.duolingo.com/travisb23).
The purpose of the lesson would be to work alongside my duolingo learning. I would really like to improve my Spanish knowledge, conversation, and pronunciation. I know the best way to do so would be through human interaction!
All I need would be 30 minutes to 1 hour! Let me know if you are interested!
English Journal class
I would like to keep a short journal and get the grammar and vocabulary checked by my tutor 4 times a week. Then, I would like to have a skype lesson with the tutor for probably for 1h about twice a week (two journal entries for each lesson). I would like to be asked more questions based on the journal so that I can expand my vocabulary and fluency. Also, I would like to know any errors I made. Since I would take these lessons on a regular basis, I hope the lesson fee to be reasonably set and given as a package deal.
- looking for a native English speaker with preferably an English literature major
- I am available for the skype lessons at 5 am or 10 pm in Japan time.
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
그냥 이민관계로 원활한 대화관계를 위한 원어민과 시원하게 프리토킹 할 수 있는 강의 부탁드립니다.
周末: 6点00分 ~ 12点00分 (Asia/Tokyo)