- 網路連線 ①
- 耳機麥克風 ②
- 網路攝影機(推薦)
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
I would like to learn Japanese.
I am a beginner and who is an English native who can read about 75% of the Hirigana and Katakana alphabets, but who knows no Kanji. I will be moving to Japan in January and I would like to be a pretty competent speaker (or as close as I can be) within the next 4 months.
Please help me :)
I'm in the Philippines now but I want to learn how to speak/converse, do basic reading and writing in Chinese. I want an interactive and lively class environment. I also hope my teacher is patient, open-minded, does his/her best to evaluate my needs and applies proper methods/materials based on it; also, teaches casual and formal conversation lessons.
① 必須有網路連線並可使用Skype的PC或設備。
② 若使用的PC內建麥克風與攝影機則您無須另外購買網路攝影機。
To understand more. And understand my friends