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*dispositivo in cui è installato Skype.
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My daughter is looking for a teacher who can provide a lesson for Eiken grade 3 preparation.
She is a five-year-old international preschool student. She started learning English at the preschool two years ago and passed Eiken grade 4 in October 2021.
She will take an Eiken test grade 3 next year. We would appreciate it if you could assist my daughter in preparing for the test and achieving her goal.
Female teacher who can get along with children, has experience in teaching Eiken test, and provides 15 to 20-minute lesson from 7 to 9 pm on weekday or 2 to 9 pm on weekend is welcome. As for teacher's nationality or native language, we have no preference.
Thank you!
Weekends: 18:00 ~ 00:00 (Asia/Tokyo)