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Edizioni speciali
- Inglese su temi
- Altre lingue
- Interests
Sono le lezioni selezionate tra i vari temi.
Ciò che ti occorre
- Un dispositivo con connessione internet*
- Le cuffie con microfono**
- La webcam
*dispositivo in cui è installato Skype.
**Se il microfono ed la webcam sono incorporati nel tuo computer, non hai bisogno di comprarli.
My son, 9 years old, attends International school in Bangkok, Thailand. He is in year 4.
His EAL teacher says that his speaking is O.K., but his writing (specifically spelling and sentence structure) needs some improvement. Therefore we'd like to find a online teacher to help him improve his writing skill. He doesn't like writing..., so it is important to have lessons with fun, so that he can continue.
Preferred time of lesson:
Saturday: 8am to noon (Asia/Bangkok)
Sunday: noon to 17:00pm (Asia/Bangkok)
We appreciate your help. Thank you!!