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- インターネットに繋がるPCもしくはモバイル端末(※1)
- イヤホンマイク(※2)
- ウェブカメラ(あると便利)
※1 iPad,スマートフォンなど、Skypeをダウンロードして使用できる端末が必要です。
※2 マイク&カメラが内蔵されたPCであれば不要。1,000円以下で購入することもできます。
13歳の娘が来年、再来年を目処にGCSEの試験を受ける予定です。それに向けてフランス語を教えてくれる講師を捜しています。できれば、フランス語ネイティブの先生で、娘は英語が母国語日本語が流暢ですのでこれもできれば英語か日本語で意思の疎通が図れる講師の方がいらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願い致します。学校でフランス語の授業を取っているので、読み書きと簡単なものを読んで理解はできますが、会話がまだです。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 イギリス時間で午前中のレッスン希望です。(これは夏休みが終わったら変わるかもしれません。。)どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
My 13years old daughter is planning to take GCSE Exam in two years or so. With that in mind, looking for a tutor who would give her French lesson. He's taking French at school so she can read and write and understand things but speaking is still challenging. It would be great if a tutor who is native French speaker and also is English or Japanese speaker. (morning time is preferred during her summer break and although that might change afterwards) Thank you!
Hello! I'm preparing for the New HSK 4 exam. I've found a vocabulary list with 1200 words their English counterparts and Mandarin sample sentences.
It is an extremely large project, but I was wondering if there are any Chinese teachers who would be willing to record the entire vocabulary list and send it to me?
I can send the list upon request. I would appreciate it if I could get an estimate as well.
I don't mind if you are from the Mainland or Taiwan, just as long as the recording is done with a standard accent and standard tones.
Thank you!
I would like to refresh my knowledge of French. I studied French in Highschool for 7 years, so I understand a decent amount but I can't speak it anymore, since I haven't used it in nearly 10 years.
Since it's still hard for me to come up with words (even though I know them when I hear them) I would like to study text-based, rather than just conversation-based. I would like to read stories, articles or conversations together and refresh my knowledge on the grammar and verb conjugation based on that. I'd love to hear from you soon! :)
Coursera で授業を受けたいのですが、まだリスニング力が足りないので、それに向けてレッスンをしてくれる方。
Toast mastersに興味がありますが、スピーチや自分の意見を英語で言うのが苦手なので、練習出来るレッスンを提供してくれる方。
Dear Cafetalk toturs.
I'm looking for listenning and speaking ( Discussion and speech ) lessons.
I nomally take daily conversation lessons and I tend to avoid listenning and speaking lessons, but I would like to challenge myself more often since I'm interested in below websites.
Taking cousera classes and Toastmasters lesson are way too difficult for me right now, so I would like you to teach me step by step.
① listenning
Wide range of topics ( For students with from upper beginner to advanced)
②Speaking ( Discussion and speech )
Pick the topic and questions before a lesson and then we discuss about it or correct my speech during a lesson.
If you have any questions or suggests, please feel free to message me!
Thank you very much.
※1 iPad,スマートフォンなど、Skypeをダウンロードして使用できる端末が必要です。
※2 マイク&カメラが内蔵されたPCであれば不要。1,000円以下で購入することもできます。
I wanna learn and speak English as fluently as native.
I think it's one of the pet peeves for learners who want to learn English as their second language
I know what to say or how to make a sentence, but it takes certain time for me to say before translating in brain.. : (
So i just want to get rid of that process of translating and speak without any hesitation!! : )