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- インターネットに繋がるPCもしくはモバイル端末(※1)
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※1 iPad,スマートフォンなど、Skypeをダウンロードして使用できる端末が必要です。
※2 マイク&カメラが内蔵されたPCであれば不要。1,000円以下で購入することもできます。
I would like to find a native English speaker as my tutor, and
I would like to improve my reading skill.
BBC or CNN News would be great, but I prefer to find a teacher who could read novels with me.
I would like to read "the Great Gatsby" first.
It would be great if you were interested in literature, too.
I want to read Japanese faster.
I study Japanese on my own. I'm using Genki 1. I'm on chapter 8 now. I use other sources. I live in Japan. I want to improve my reading ability. I've read some of the easy NHK articles.
I would like to be given something to read that doesn't have a lot of difficult words or kanji that's a bit interesting. Translation homework would be okay.
I want to be tested on Genki 1 (or similar material). I don't want any kind of free talk.
I want assignments like reading, tests, or writing. I would be okay with having to do homework and submit it. I really want feedback. I'm very grade oriented.
I think I'm around N5. I want to take the JLPT N4 next year. My main goal is to be able to read Japanese quickly.
I am currently studying Japanese and wish to learn a lot more. I want to be able to cover reading, writing, speaking and listening, but I am not sure what lessons I should be starting. I would like to be able to speak and listen in Japanese conversations well. I have a lot of textbooks and am able to get any textbooks that I need. I am able to take classes in the afternoons and nights on any day. The textbooks that I am currently studying are ("Kanji in Context" and "Practical Japanese: Basic expressions for living and travel").
L’anno scorso mi sono iscritta ai corsi di lingua e cultura italiana dell’universita degli studi di Firenze per il periodo Estivo(circa 3 ), e ho conseguito il Livello CILS Due B2.
Vorrei fare progressi in italiano, ma in Giappone non ho l’occasione di parlare italiano.
L’anno prossimo vorrei provare il livello C1! Se possibile...
来年シエナ大学のイタリア語検定Cils C1レベルを受験したいと思っています。
※1 iPad,スマートフォンなど、Skypeをダウンロードして使用できる端末が必要です。
※2 マイク&カメラが内蔵されたPCであれば不要。1,000円以下で購入することもできます。