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Edizioni speciali
- Inglese su temi
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- Interests
Sono le lezioni selezionate tra i vari temi.
Ciò che ti occorre
- Un dispositivo con connessione internet*
- Le cuffie con microfono**
- La webcam
*dispositivo in cui è installato Skype.
**Se il microfono ed la webcam sono incorporati nel tuo computer, non hai bisogno di comprarli.
Looking for an interviewer about my speech.
I am planning to take the interview test of Eiken Grade-1 (like IELTS) in July.
1. Please one topic for me. (ex. No 001 - 050)
2. I will have one minute to think of my own opinion about the ed topic.
3. After that, I will deliver my speech within two minutes and ten seconds.
4. Q&A session related on speech (2 or 3 minutes)
After that, please next topic for me.
During one lesson, I would like to discuss about two topics.
topic examples below
1. Will Artificial Intelligence improve the welfare of human society?
2. Is the disparity between rural and urban areas in Japan taken seriously enough?
3. Should morality and virtue be taught more in public school in Japan?
4. Is the breaching of personal information collected by private companies a growing threat for our society?
5. Agree or disagree: the current young generations are happier than those of the past.
Weekends: 18:00 ~ 00:00 (Asia/Tokyo)