Bob's your uncle? Bee's knees? Brolly? Gutted? Cheeky? Chuffed? Codswallop?
Learn to use British expressions like these and more.
Talk about culture while learning to think in English
Practise speaking with a British teacher at a slow or natural speed
Learn new grammar and build longer sentences
Study British English vocabulary and pronunciation
Increase fluency through conversation
Ask a native speaker questions
Receive feedback and notes to review
Communicate with confidence
Customise the lesson
Enjoy improving your English
I hope you will be able to use what you learn when you visit England!
I'm very easy to talk to and you can also learn grammar, vocabulary and colloquial expressions.
Come to class and ask me about these words:
"Right as rain" - Meaning everything is in good order, often believed to reference the unpredictable British weather.
"Keep your hair on" - A phrase used to tell someone to stay calm, possibly dating back to when wigs were commonly worn and getting upset might literally cause one's wig to come off.
"The full Monty" - Meaning the whole thing or everything, possibly referring to Field Marshal Montgomery, a British army officer, who was known for wanting everything complete and correct.
"Gobsmacked" - Utterly amazed or astounded.
"Skive" - To avoid work or a duty by staying away or leaving early; loafing around.
"Rubbish" - Trash or garbage, but also used to mean nonsense or something of poor quality.
See you in the lesson! Cheers!
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