This lesson will be based on the works of Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, Albert Camus, Guy Maupassant, Guillaume Apollinaire, Amélie Nothomb and others.
A typical class might include the following:
1). Written comprehension: understanding a given excerpt based on comprehension questions, examination of vocabulary and grammar analysis.
2). Oral comprehension and oral expression: discussing the themes and the characters orally.
3). Written expression: exercises such as writing short essays or short stories.
However, we can change the class structure to what best fits you and your interests!
This class is for you if: you have an intermediate level of French (B1 or higher), you are a university student specializing in French literature or French studies or you are simply looking to delve into the domain of the French written word!
Book a FREE 10 minute trial to see if this is class is a good fit for you. I look forward to seeing you in class!
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