An Idiom a Day Makes Your English Stay (Learning of Idioms) for Intermediate Level
These are just examples of idiomatic expressions. We can hear this kind of expressions in movies, shows, songs, and podcasts. We can also read a lot of them in books and articles. English native speakers naturally use these expressions in their everyday speech even without realizing it. To better understand them, we also need to familiarized ourselves with this figure of speech.
An idiom or idiomatic expression is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning. It means something different than a literal translation of the words would lead one to believe. Thus, I can say that learning idioms is challenging but absolutely fun! It's like twisting words and make it more 'colorful'.
In this 15-minute lesson, we will discuss a certain idiomatic expression to understand it more. You can also talk freely on how you perceive the words or phrases. Immediate correction will be given, whether verbally (if the flow of discussion allows) or thru the chat box (so as not to interrupt your chain of ideas).
It's time to level up your English language journey and to keep that fire of improving your English skills burning by learning this exciting form of speech.
Hope to see you in my class soon!
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學員的評價 (10則)
会話で使えるイディオムを、先生と一緒に話ながら習うことで、独学よりも頭に残りやすくて、とてもためになります。2022年2月25日 -
話しやすく落ち着いた先生です。イディオムだけでなく、それを使った例文や会話の勉強もできます。予習不要で気軽に受講できるのもいいですね。2022年2月3日 -
習った瞬間から、すぐに使えるイディオムを習えて、短時間でもとても身になるレッスンでした。2022年1月7日 -