"I have never done that. Have you?" "You don't mind if I sit here, do you?"
Have you ever gotten a strange look when using rising intonation to ask something like, "You go the gym?" Well, that is because this question sounds less like a genuine question or attempt to receive confirmation and more like an expression of shock or disbelief. In other words, the listener might think that you are saying, "I can't believe you go to the gym. If you do, then why are you still so fat?" Tag questions can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes like this in the future.
Has anyone given you a serious and confused stare when you have answered a "yes" or "no" question with a simple "yes" or "no"? ("Have you seen that movie?" "No.") Think about how it sounds in your language to give a similar answer. People may either think you are uninterested in the conversation or that you have no time for polite speech. We can use auxiliaries to make the interaction smoother: "Have you seen that movie?" "No, I haven't. Have you?"
I hope you will join me for a lesson on using simple grammatical principles to make your conversations smoother and more natural. I will provide reference materials, and we will do a conversation activity together to practice using the forms studied.
[This lesson is recommended for intermediate to advanced learners.] Note: If you want more practice with this topic, you can take the lesson more than once and request sessions that focus more on conversation with the concept, more on listening, or more on whichever aspect of the concept you want to practice. In other words, anyone trying the lesson more than once will get new material that emphasizes whatever he or she requests.
Hello! My name is Paul, and I am a language enthusiast lucky enough to have made a 10-year career of sharing my passion for English, Spanish, Japanese, and other languages with thousands of wonderful...
日本の学校の英語学習でもやった内容ですが、やはりネイティブさんから習うと、「おーう!そういうことねー。」と思うような事が多々あります。文法というよりも、英語を感覚で学ぶ、日常の使い方を習うという気がしました。レッスン内容のほかに、随時普段の会話も取り入れて下さるので、楽しいですし、習ったいることが身… more日本の学校の英語学習でもやった内容ですが、やはりネイティブさんから習うと、「おーう!そういうことねー。」と思うような事が多々あります。文法というよりも、英語を感覚で学ぶ、日常の使い方を習うという気がしました。レッスン内容のほかに、随時普段の会話も取り入れて下さるので、楽しいですし、習ったいることが身につきやすいです。覚えが良くないので、色々とフォローしてフィードバックも行って下さいます。今回は[extra practice by asking yourself ]をすすめて下さっていたので、チャレンジしてみようと思います。Thank you for your wonderful lessons. close