Vicky B
EiKen level 1 Interview Practice
EiKen level 1 Interview Practice
Give your opinion on various hot topics for 2 minutes, then answer questions
In the EiKen level 1 interview you are expected to give your opinion for two minutes on a controversial current topic.
After this, the examiner will ask you more questions about the topic, so you will have to discuss it further, with no preparation.
For this reason the EiKen level 1 interview is a very accurate test of speaking ability.
For EiKen reading you have to have very good vocabulary and grammar knowledge. In the interview section, however the tactics are very different.
The most important thing is to give your answer in a logical structure.
Westerners are taught from an early age to give their opinion in a logical way, even if it’s a topic they know little about or have little experience of.
Giving your opinion off the cuff with no preparation is difficult but something that Westerners do all the time.
Westerners are used to listening to others give their opinions clearly and logically. If you are able to do this, the examiner will understand your point clearly and you will get high marks.
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