书本 - Grammar in Use
书本 - Grammar in Use
Note: At the moment, this lesson is for students from high school ~ adults and levels Elementary - Advanced.
If you want to improve your grammar, vocabulary and fluency, this lesson is for you. The focus will be on grammar, but you will have many chances to practice your speaking and learn new vocabulary. You will receive detailed written feedback after the lesson to help you to continue to improve through self-study between lessons...
Important: This lesson is for students who have their own copy of the textbook. When you reserve the lesson, please tell me which page or grammar you want to study so I can prepare the lesson for you.
The lesson will flow like this:
1. Warm-up & free conversation.
2. Introduce grammar and situations when this grammar is used in daily life.
3. Learn vocabulary that will appear in the textbook’s exercises.
4. Practice grammar by completing the textbook’s activities.
5. Receive feedback and try to correct your own mistakes.
6. Drill the correct use of the grammar to help you use it more fluently.
7. Practice the grammar in freer conversation.
8. Receive feedback and error correction.
9. Receive homework – if you want it :)
I’m excited about helping you to move closer to your goal of becoming a fluent English speaker. Let’s do this!
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