私は初心者で、今日初めて先生の授業を受けましたが、とても面白くてユーモアのある先生です。 問題点をすぐに見つけて、解決策をすぐに理解させてくれます。今日初めて授業に参加しましたが、とても勉強になりました。先生に感謝感謝です。 また、教えるのがとても上手で、頻繁にフィードバックをくれます。 強くお勧め… more私は初心者で、今日初めて先生の授業を受けましたが、とても面白くてユーモアのある先生です。 問題点をすぐに見つけて、解決策をすぐに理解させてくれます。今日初めて授業に参加しましたが、とても勉強になりました。先生に感謝感謝です。 また、教えるのがとても上手で、頻繁にフィードバックをくれます。 強くお勧めします! close
We covered 쓰기 51번 and 52번 today. It was difficult and I struggled to solve them. Thankfully, 마이쭈 선생님 patiently waited for me to come up with the answe… moreWe covered 쓰기 51번 and 52번 today. It was difficult and I struggled to solve them. Thankfully, 마이쭈 선생님 patiently waited for me to come up with the answer. Despite making him wait, I still got it wrong… ㅠㅠ Yet he was very encouraging throughout and he made sure to acknowledge and praise me when I did well. I will certainly book another lesson in the near future and I look forward to improving my 쓰기 문제 해결 skills with 마이쭈 선생님!! close