4-Lesson English Conversation Pack (40 minutes per lesson)
4堂课程包 4-Lesson English Conversation Pack (40 minutes per lesson)
The four lessons are 40 minutes per session so you end up with a total of 160 minutes of quality lesson planning, tutoring, and exercises, designed to meet your English language goals and objectives.
Price rate increase effective 5th July 2024.... this is to advise that after four years of a very low pricing structure, I have decided to meet the market and increase my tutoring rates to bring me in line with other best practice English language teachers. I trust you will understand this decision and appreciate the need to correlate my remueration rates with other likeminded tutors in the ESL industry. Thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support and patronage.
This lesson pack will cater to and be designed around students of ALL levels of English language skills and abilities. A needs analysis for each student will be carried together with assessment of your English language goals and objectives.
My lessons are vocabulary-based for easy conversation practice. Each lesson is themed to provide meaning and context for learning.
To ensure your ongoing success in learning the English language, the majority of my lessons are designed using a pre-prepared PowerPoint lesson plan (which you get to keep), and/or flash cards, conversational prompt cards, plus worksheets for vocabulary practice during and after the on-line lesson is finished.
These support tools allow students to practice on their own or together with another English learner, native English speaker, or with an English speaking group.
This lesson includes icebreakers, warm-ups, music, as well as fun and friendly discussion throughout the 40 minute lesson.
Thank you for choosing me as your tutor.
• 未开始」的课程包(1)随时都可以取消。如经取消点数将全额退还。若欲取消「已经开始」的课程包(2),将退还剩馀(包含尚未预约、尚未完成或距离课程开始时间超过24小时)课程的50%点数。
• 若欲取消课程包的单一课程而非整个课程包,请透过课程预约详细页面取消。在此情况下,依讲师取消政策的不同,用于预约课程的优惠券将可能返还或被抵用。
• 随时可以取消。
• 课程开始时间的 前24小时 → 随时可以取消。
• 课程开始时间的 24小时內 → 讲师将可能收取课程取消费。
• 缺席→ 讲师将可能收取课程取消费。
• 未开始」的课程包(1)随时都可以取消。如经取消点数将全额退还。若欲取消「已经开始」的课程包(2),将退还剩馀(包含尚未预约、尚未完成或距离课程开始时间超过24小时)课程的50%点数。
(1) 「未开始」係指课程包尚未经讲师确认。
(2) 「已经开始」係指课程包中至少一堂课程已被确认。(当讲师确认第一堂课程预约后,系统将自动發送课程包剩馀课程的优惠券。)
(2) 「已经开始」係指课程包中至少一堂课程已被确认。(当讲师确认第一堂课程预约后,系统将自动發送课程包剩馀课程的优惠券。)
• 若欲取消课程包的单一课程而非整个课程包,请透过课程预约详细页面取消。在此情况下,依讲师取消政策的不同,用于预约课程的优惠券将可能返还或被抵用。
• 随时可以取消。
• 课程开始时间的 前24小时 → 随时可以取消。
• 课程开始时间的 24小时內 → 讲师将可能收取课程取消费。
• 缺席→ 讲师将可能收取课程取消费。
※ 以上为日本时间。登录后将自动选换为您的时区时间。
学员的评价 (31则)
先生のレッスンを1年以上、週1回のペースで続けています。毎回、しっかり教材を準備してくださるので楽しいです。また、私の弱点を克服するための方法を次々と考えてくださるので大変役立つレッスンです。熱心で楽しい先生に感謝しています!2021年12月2日 -
Happy anniversary! You have been my English tutor for a year. My English improved so much. I appreciate you. I am looking forward to taking your other… more2021年8月21日 -
Thank you for today's lesson. I learned a lot and as always. Synonym words quizzes are very helpful for me and today's song made me relax. I appreciat… more2021年7月17日 -
Thank you for today's lesson. Icebreaker quiz is very helpful for me. I would like to try it again! See you next week!2021年7月10日