“It seems a bit difficult, but I want to try playing it!”
“How can I play it so that the melody sounds nicer?”
If you can read sheet music as is and can use both of your hands to a certain extent, but don’t find yourself improving, then this is the best lesson for you. How do you express the wonderful world of music? I will help you answer that question! I will give you a simple lesson that will help you learn technique as well as how to get your emotions across to the audience. We can practice classical songs as well as songs from a variety of other genres. Once you can play, you yourself will feel much better! (^0^)
When you make a request, please inform me of the following (brief summaries are fine)
Piano experience, songs you are playing, songs you want to learn, etc.(^o^)
(I’m very sorry, but I do not offer lessons for jazz songs)
This lesson is for players who:
*Can read music
*Are middle school age - adult (elementary schoolers also possible, depending on the situation)
*If you would like to have your lesson in German, please let me know.
Let’s have a good time playing piano together!
Translation: 2/2015 - The Cafetalk Team
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學員的評價 (20則)
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