This class aims to provide a reassuring preparation for anyone heading to the UK, perhaps for the first time! Familiarize with the English accent and acquaint yourself with British life and customs.
We can talk about your itinerary and I can help you with any matters which might be on your mind.
For example, British v American English..... Do you know the difference?
So, pour yourself a nice cup of tea (or coffee) and let's talk!
Hello everyone.
I have a TEFL certificate and I've been teaching English to all ages and levels since I came to Japan in 1994. I live in Niigata now and work as an English instructor at seve...
This time session was also great conversation. I could get a lot of information about local spots in London as well as many specific British English t… moreThis time session was also great conversation. I could get a lot of information about local spots in London as well as many specific British English terminology. He is a very professional teacher.
今回のレッスンもとても有意義な会話を楽しむことができました。ロンドンのローカルスポットだけでなく、UK英語の用語の情報も得ることができました。とてもプロフェッショナルな先生です。 close
This time session was also very nice.
Greg is very accessible teacher, meanwhile he can answer your question in Japanese even if you cannot speak En… moreThis time session was also very nice.
Greg is very accessible teacher, meanwhile he can answer your question in Japanese even if you cannot speak English very well.
Pretty sure, you would feel very comfortable if you take Greg's lesson!
もしもグレッグ先生のレッスンを受講されたら、とても快適に感じると断言できます! close
Today’s lesson was also awesome as usual.
Greg kindly provide much of useful UK local information as well as the difference between US English and UK… moreToday’s lesson was also awesome as usual.
Greg kindly provide much of useful UK local information as well as the difference between US English and UK one with very friendly attitude.
If you are considering to learn English or to study abroad, in particular UK, you should take his lesson.
もし、あなたが英語を英語を学ぼうと思っているなら、あるいは海外(特にイギリス)に留学することを考えているなら、グレッグ先生の授業を受けると良いでしょう。 close