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***iennechang 2018 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
Write in Japanese! (1201 to 1... -
I've had a few lessons with May先生 now and have enjoyed them very much. It is easy and fun to talk with her, and she is good at encouraging you to express your thoughts (and helping you if you can't quite express them fluently). I'm looking forward to more lessons!
今天上課針對字詞的重音語調修正, 單詞的重音跟放在一整句中念的重音是不太樣的. 老師很仔細得糾正, 這樣的訓練可以讓日文的語調聽起來更道地. 謝謝老師!
May老師上課前會寄出日本人在報紙上的投書當做閱讀教材, 所以上課前必須先預習文章內容, 文章都是日本人寫的對生活的看法或時事的評論, 所以可以學到日本人的表達方式. 老師上課時會請你朗讀該篇文章, 並很仔細得聽你的發音和重音對不對並記錄下來, 然後一個個糾正正確的念法. 如果你跟我一樣想以加強日文口說以及學習學日本人的表達方式為目的, may老師的課非常有幫助! 大力推薦!
May老師非常專業而且很有教學經驗, 課前會給一篇文章閱讀, 課程中會問問題以確認學生對文章的了解, 對話中會糾正你文法或單字講不對的地方. 在學生朗讀文章時, 老師聽得很仔細並且會馬上糾正不對的發音. 對於想要全方位練習聽說讀的學生, 我非常推薦May老師!
Watching a video and then discussing the content is a very good idea because it gives structure to the lesson. You have to prepare beforehand by watching and listening carefully to the video which is also good because it provides some motivation for study. May先生 had also prepared for the lesson and had a list of questions to ask me which meant the lesson went smoothly. Overall, I found this lesson very useful and recommend it to serious learners of Japanese.
Discussion Lesson About "情熱大陸...
***u.alton 2018 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)