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Thank you for the enjoyable lesson! Among articles that Charles sent in advance, I picked up the one about Brexit. Although I can learn new terms and idiom with a dictionary, still I need help to fully understand its content. I didn't even rearize that I actually hadn't understood some point without his help. This lesson needs a preparation so I can't take it often, but I would like to do it again.
レッスンが確定すると先生が3つの動画を送ってくださってそこから選ぶのですが、事前にビートルズに関するものを入れて欲しいとお願いしていました。3つのうち2つはビートルズに関するものでなぜか先生は私がポール派だと見抜いておられたようで、私の大好きなトーク番組のホスト、ジェイムズ・コーデンのカープール・カラオケにポールがゲスト出演した時の動画を入れてくださいました。かなり前に音楽の話をしたときのことを思い出したということですが、私は自分が何を話したか全く覚えていないので感激しました。でもせっかくなので予備知識がないものをと思い、特別な背景がある家を購入した夫婦のインタビューを含むドキュメンタリー風のものを選びました。その前に私がレッスンとは無関係のどうしても知りたいことがあったので動画を見て頂きながら質問しましたが、快く教えてくださいました。日常よくする動作なのですがもやもやが解消して嬉しかったです。先生はいつもこちらがより理解しやすいように単語の定義や画像をチャットボックスに貼り付けてくださいます。それから12分ほどある動画について話をしました。字幕が出せるタイプの動画でしたが、YouTube上の多くの動画と同じく正確さに欠ける部分が多々あったので、そのあたりをカバーして頂きつつ私が全体を理解しているかどうか聞いて頂くために要約しました。その後に私が動画を見たあとに感じたことをお話して、先生はどう思われているかを伺いました。先生はあえてdevil's advocateとおっしゃって私とは違った角度から意見を言ってくださいました。また全く別のアメリカで知られているある家とその持ち主に関する情報も下さいました。知らなかったことなのでとても興味を持ちました。残念ながら送ってくださった画像がレッスン中には開けなかったのですが、あとでチェックして改めてその背景に注目したいと思います。久しぶりにお話しましたが、定期的に受講できなくても先生の気遣いや惜しみなく知識を披露してくださる点は変わらずでした。ベストコミュニケーション賞(英語だとBest Conversationalist Award なんですね)を受賞されたことに対するお祝いの気持ちをお伝えしましたが、レッスン前後の先生とのやり取りで素っ気なさを感じたことは1度もありません。今日またテレビでパリでの公共交通機関のストに関するニュースを耳にしましたが、お忙しくそのような混乱の中でも常に穏やかで、楽しく会話ができましたし曖昧だった点がクリアになり嬉しかったです。お勧めの先生です!
The video I chose was quite interesting, and it made me ponder if this kind of thing could happen here in Japan. We didn't have time to check out every single word, but Charles helped me grasp the big picture of the story. He corrected my mistakes in the chatbox while being all ears to my summary and opinions. I went blank inspite of the preparation I did in advance, but I had a great time talking with him.I extend my heartfelt congratulations once again on his winning Best Conversationalist Award!!Watch It! *EXTENDED (VIDEOS)
We had a talk about the climate change and the relating demonstration on the Japan times podcast. Charles listen to my opinions courtesy and tell me his thoughts. We discussed the young people which joined the Kikoku March. Every time thanks to Charles for improving my English.
It’s been a long time taking lesson on Cafe Talk. I had a fun of talk with Charles, about my “salaryman life” and my son’s enthusiastic things. I’ll restart the lesson weekly. I recommend Prof Charles for the students.
This lesson was enjoyable and helpful like his other lessons. I chose one of two videos that he suggested me before the lesson and we talk about that during the lesson. One of the reason why I really like his lessons is because he always chooses interesting topics. Every topics make me interested and I can learn not only English but also something new such as cultures and foods. I also like to discuss with him. Even though I can hardly explain that well, he listens to me carefully and teach me other good phrases.
他にもレッスン中のディスカッションも好きで、うまく説明出来ずにいる時もよりよい表現を教えてくれます。 -
He is very nice and fun to talk with. I hope to see him again in other lesson. (Thank you very much Charles!)
Thank you for the helpful lesson! In this lesson, we used an article that report finally Iranian women allowed to enter soccer stadiums. The article was simple, but some points it used a bit complicated expression. Thanks to Charles, I could fully understand it in the end.
It's not easy to book Charles' lessons for me timewise. So I'm happy I was able to talk with him today in spite of a small audio problem.
After exchanging greetings, we soon got down to the lesson. I'm not sure whether he chose the first one as a warm-up, but I didn't see that kind of illustration coming.I was a bit taken aback. My knowledge on plants was called into question, and I'm relieved that I could recall some names. The second one was interesting as well. The last photo...again I was thrown for a loop. That was surprisingly associated with the movie I had watched last night. Naturally I told him the storyline of the movie, and we ended up talking about the very serious issue. I wish I could have explained the synopsis and expressed my ideas better with natural expressions. Charles was very patient when I was lost for words and typed correct and refined sentences in the chat box. This lesson made me contemplate both racial discrimination and my lack of speaking ability. However it was absolutely fruitful!
なかなか受けられないチャールズ先生のレッスンですが、先生が大量にコレクションしていると思われる中から選んでくださる写真やイラストは興味深いものばかりです。どの生徒にも順番に同じものを使われるのか、個性やレベルに合わせて変えるのかは分かりませんが、1枚目の素敵なイラストは季節を感じると共に植物の名前を知っているかどうかが問われるもので焦りました。2枚目と3枚目は昔のアメリカを切り取った写真でしたが、特に3枚目はゆうべ「グリーンブック」を見たばかりだったので、先生がこの写真を選んでくださったことに驚きました。当時アフリカ系の人たちが受けた想像を絶する差別や作品賞を受賞したこの映画に対するアフリカ系のハリウッド関係者の反応などについて、新聞で読まれていたものの映画自体をご覧になっていない先生に思うように説明できずに落胆しました。言いたいことは伝わったとは思いますが、順序だてて英語で説明することの難しさを実感しました。アメリカの現状についても少しお聞きすることができました。度忘れしてモヤモヤしたアメリカ独特の制度についても先生が察して教えてくださったのでスッキリしました。常日頃からこのような問題も英語で考えていかねばと反省しましたが、とても実のあるレッスンになりました。 -
It's always a fun to talk with the teacher. He gave me a lot of information on news and videos, which helped me a lot.
I would like to take his lessons continuously. -
I picked an article and sent it to Charles for this lesson when I sign up. Then he sent me a few related articles! It is always fun to talk to him because he is compassionate and a great listener. He's everything that language learners could have wanted in a tutor. :)
Thank you for the enjoyable lesson! In this lesson, we used the article about Hong Kong protest from the New York Times. It was very famous news and I already know its summary but still there were some points that I couldn’t understand in the article. This lesson was so helpful.
I totally enjoyed the lesson with Charles. Before we got down to brass tacks, we couldn't help but talk about the weather. That's a relief that the climate was getting comfortable in Paris.The collections of the photos Charles has are noteworthy.He sent me three photos and we talked about them. All of them are quite interesting. The last one was especially thought-provoking.
I always appreciate his lessons. Irrespective of which topic I choose, he gives me a variety of knowledge, thoughts, and ideas, from which I can learn a lot. I'm looking forward to talking with him about many interesting topics.
The lesson was fun and gratifying. Very good choice of the material which provides multiple topics to talk about. Since we ran out of time partly because we got carried away in our small talk, which was hilarious as well, and decided to continue the discussion of the video clip in the next lesson.
Charles is an attentive listener, very friendly and easy to talk to. I look forward to our next lesson. -
This was my first lesson with Charles, and it went far beyond my expectation: I mean I was quite impressed with his sincere attitude toward his students. We discussed the goals I have set in English learning and motivations behind them. I am now able to review my studying plan in more realistic perspectives thanks to his suggestions.
He is gentle, fun to talk with and has a good sense of humor. Time flies when taking his lessons. -
Thank you for the useful lesson!
After the small talk, we proceeded the lesson by reading an article aloud and asking some questions on each part that I couldn't understand. Although 30 minutes was not so long, we could go through whole article and have conversation about the topic. I rarey have the time to talk about American politics in daily life, so it was very fulfilling time. -
This lesson was pritty good!
Charles is friendly, kind and easy to talk.
I may be going to apply again. -
The lessons are always wonderful. The teacher naturally creates an atmosphere in which I feel like talking more and more. His lessons are meaningful. I really appreciate his lessons.
Thanks to Charles to having the beneficial lessons every time. This time I learned from him about the expressions and meanings of the US President’s speaking what I ask him. He explained it with the background. I'll have a series of lesson of a TED talk with him.