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This time, we focused on vocabulary. Maria is good at explaining the difference between several similar expressions, so the lesson really helped me use such words actively.
English for Effective Present... -
We ca learn a lot in this lesson.
ESL Business Skills: English ... -
Thank you Maria.The session was intriguing as always.
See you next time:) -
Maria, Thank you for your big support as always. The draft you sent me after the lesson was really helpful. I do appreciate it!!
I tried to make a part of my presentation and to answer to Maria's questions. It was a good opportunity, and her comments were very
helpful.English for Effective Present... -
We talked about some problems of pharmaceutical industry just away from the prepared topic. To discuss what I didn't prepare is difficult, but I learned a lot from this lesson. This kind of free conversation is valuable, so I should sometimes have a chance to do this. :)
English for Effective Present... -
It was a wonderful lesson, as usual. Thank you very much! (I'm sorry for my late comment.)
English for Effective Present... -
It was a great lesson! Thank you Maria! It is my great pleasure to report you that finally I was accepted!
MBAのインタビュー対策をお願いしましたが、マリア先生は本当に熱意を持って授業してくださいました。 事前の下調べに始まり、回答内容の精査など非常に精度の高い内容で、マリア先生と話した内容をそのままスクリプトにできました。なかなかいい英語が出てこないときには、より自然に、伝わりやすい言葉を提案してくださり、確実に英語力が伸びたと思います。また、時間延長も自ら申し出ていただけるなど、時間がない中で非常に有り難かったです(最初からそれを期待するのはだめですけど)。非常に良い先生です。料金についても、エッセイカウンセラーの紹介するインタビュートレーナーに高い料金を払うくらいなら、マリア先生にみっちり見ていただいた方が良いと思いました。MOCK INTERVIEW (for MA or MBA... -
When I asked the meaning of "a ginger cat," Maria-sensei sent me an URL which shows the color "ginger." After that we talked about difference in the perception of colors depending on the culture or nationarity which the person belongs to. I really enjoyed talking about this kind of topic with Maria-sensei.
Using a text book, I learned more about collocations with Maria-sensei.
We couldn't finish one unit in an hour because we tried to make examples with expressions we learned. This is a valuable lesson. Thank you Maria-sensei.Collocations-In-Use (Advanced) -
It was such a meaningful lesson!! Thank you for giving me some advice for IELTS. Sheets you sent me were very helpful!!
It was a fruitful lesson as usual. The words and expressions Maria taught me during the lesson will be useful in my presentation. Thank you very much.
English for Effective Present... -
I have leared many expressions. She teaches me kindly every time.
Business Meetings in (UK) Eng... -
Thank you Maria! It was an interesting discussion.I'm going to read the articles about Shakespeare you sent me:)
Thank you for the links!They are funny though I'm afraid that I can't catch them completely.I'll watch them a little more time.
See you next time:)Collocations-In-Use (Advanced) -
I had Maria check my presentation with handout, especially focusing on the description of some diagrams. This lesson gave me the information I'd wanted. Thank you very much.
English for Effective Present... -
She teaches me kindly every time. She is professional.
English for Effective Present... -
I'm really sorry for the delay and thank you very much for waiting.
Today I understood what I'd wondered for years at last.You are always helpful.I'm looking forward to next session.
レッスン開始の時間を勘違いしており、先生には大変ご迷惑をおかけしてしまいました。時間より遅く始まったにもかかわらず、快くレッスンをしてくださり本当に感謝しています。レッスン中も私の質問に(おそらく質問自体あいまいで、説明も分かりづらかったと思われるのに)熱心に答えようとしてくれ、そういった丁寧な対応にはいつも感銘をうけます。今後もずっとレッスンを受けたい先生です。 -
Thanks very much. As usual, I can practice, imagining the real situation. Very useful!
ESL Business Skills: English ...
Thank you for the fruitful lesson as usual. We focused on vocabulary this time, too. I believe the words and phrases I learned today are very useful in my presentation.