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Today we used "Friends" as a material for this lesson. It was very fun! I enjoyed it a lot! I was looking forward to taking "Friends" lesson with Romi sensei. On the other hand, I was a little bit afraid that the way of her lesson would change to some extent. I liked her lesson since it is like training English muscle. So I hoped that her way of lesson is the same and I can still train my mouth with "Frineds." It seemed that I expected too much. But today's lesson was exactly what I wanted to take! Thank you, Romi sensei for making this lesson. I'm looking forward to the next episode!
「ESL Podcast 1004 Being modest and boastful」を学びました。
会話の大まかな意味は分かりましたが、まだまだ全単語をキャプチャー出来るには時間がかかりそう。。。今回のレッスンで教えて頂いたTipsとして動詞と前置詞を一緒に、又後にはどういう品詞がくるかひとまとめに覚えたら良いと。。。He would make a much better rep...という文でしたが、こういう場合の動詞makeの後は形容詞が来ると。。。 今回も"th"の音を注意されました。遥か昔オーストラリアのお母さんにも教えてもらった事を思い出しました。類義語辞典の英語”thesaurus”が上手く発音出来なくて。。。
今回はかなり時間をオーバーしてしまいすみませんでした。次回はもっとできの良い生徒になるよう頑張りたいと思います。 -
Romi sensei's lesson is always fulfilling. And she is so enthusiastic that she extended the lesson today. I like ESL podcast as material for this lesson, but today she suggested "Friends" as the material from next lesson. I am very looking forward to it! I like "Friends" and moreover, I am looking forward to Romi sensei's way of letting me study English with "Friends"! I can't wait for the next lesson.
「ESL Podcast 911 Correcting and explaining in conversation」を学びました。会話の大まかな意味は分かりましたが、やはり知らない表現や恐らく自分が上手く発音出来ていない構文は、聞き取れていない事を痛感しました。
It was a wonderful lesson as usual! I enjoyed talking with her, and I was able to realize that my English pronunciation has been improved.
I used to be careless about my pronunciation if I gave attention to fluency.(It was difficult to give attention both fluency and pronunciation.)
But, now I am making rapid progress, I think.
I really appreciate tutor Romi. Grazie mille! -
This lesson is a kind of training. So I know how I can do it by myself. But Romi sensei is a good coach so she chooses a good material for me to train and it contains good expressions to learn. And she points out my errors of pronunciation which helps me a lot speaking English confidently.
Today, she extended the lesson time to finish today's material. I appreciate it.
She is a very enthusiastic teacher. -
This lesson is very helpful for training the muscle of speaking English and vocabulary. There are a lot of new expressions for me in a short conversation dialogue. I think this is a very compact lesson. Romi sensei's English is very beautiful and of course she also knows Japanese, so when it's difficult to say in English, I can say something in Japanese, too. But we speak in English mostly, so it's like a native English teacher's lesson. That's why this lesson is good for someone who prefer lessons by native English teachers but sometimes feel stress when they can't express themselves well and want to know what to say it in English.
Thank you teacher Romi!!It was great seeing you yesterday!
Your lesson is very exciting and good for change my English pronunciation. I'll whisper on the road, on the train, at my home:D -
This lesson is really interesting. It goes so fast and is like muscle training for speaking. And I can also practice listening. I think this lesson is really helpful.
However, the connection was poor today, which was kind of stressful. I don't remember about the previous lesson with Romi sensei, but I hope the connection will be good next time.
ESL883 "Taking care of a willful child"を学びました。
willって遺書としか覚えていなかったんですが、willful, strong-willedって言葉もあるんですね?又throw a tantrum, shriek, at the top of one's lungsという慣用語も学びました。
レッスンの最後では娘と英語で話す機会を与えて頂いて感謝です。彼女も喜んでいました。もっと英語が上手く喋れたらと言っていましたので、今まで以上に勉強すると思いますipodでジェニファーロペスの歌を聞きながら、歌っているのを聞くと、発音はちゃんと英語の音しているんですよね。。。悔しいけど。フランス語だと本当にお喋りなんですよ。 笑
PS. Romi先生のレッスンは楽しくて時間が経つのを忘れてしまいます。