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Thanks Eby We had a nice catching up one another, and I’m gratified to hear you are doing well even tough you are a workaholic woman^_^
After the lesson, I’m reading aloud the corrections on skype chat box given by you on my way to my workplace(^^). I’m utterly grateful for the lesson! -
Very good corrections as always pointing out my odd English. She does it right there and it is very very good. :)
I always enjoy Eby's lesson! She teaches English passionately and explains unknown words to me easy to understand. When I said something in wrong way, she corrects it right away. I'm sure Eby is a professional teacher! Thank you very much!
Thanks, to speak English in this lesson is important for me ;)
Thanks, the story of your husband was interesting. I envy him!
今回すっかりレッスンのことをすっかり忘れてしまったのですが、Eby先生が何度かメールやスカイプでコメント下さり、それで気がついて30分遅れて入ったのですが、先生はちゃんと待っていてくれて、優しく迎え入れてくれました。とても有難かったです。I forgot to call in the lesson on that day, but Eby sent me a chat & comments, and I could notice it! I joined 30 minutes late, but she was waiting for me with smile and warm heart. Thank you so much!