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I'm often feeling happy to catch up with Mike every class. When I first tried to explain English to him about what I thought, it was too much hard for me. Frankly speaking, I just wanted him to keep speaking English only at that time. But he waited me and helped me to explain English like American's people. I know that the English conversation is all over the map but we try to get the hang of it. that's why you and I want to be a native English speaker in the near future. He can help us any time if you don't give up. Before I discovered his English lessons, I chickened out of talking to someone in English. But after I knew him, everything could be changed. I made a lot of international friends and we exchanged message each other every night. English change my life. of course, even if you take his English lessons, you should go over the English expressions yourself that you learned from him. anyway, you will never regret to take his English class.
言葉の難しさはよく分かっています。海外に行かず、母国で英語を勉強し、ネイティブスピーカーみたいに話せるのはなかなか簡単なことではないでしょう。私もよく思ったことをそのまま外国人に母国語ではない言葉で説明するのは難しく感じます。しかし、完璧になる必要がありますか。人生というものは運が50%、努力が50%だと思っています。死ぬ気で頑張って来た人も失敗を味わい時があれば、努力しなかった人が一位になる場合もあるます。幸運と努力に似ているところはみえないかも知れませんが、私はあると思います。どんな状況であっても自分のことを信じること!努力をし続けてきた人は未来の自分の成功を信じ、運を信じてきた人はそのまま自分の運が続くように信じることです。どちにしても自分のことを幸せにさせないといけないでしょう!英語を学んでいる時も笑顔で学びたくありませんか?Mike先生はきっと授業が行われる間、貴方のことを笑顔にしてくれるはずです!一歩踏み出してみるのはいかがですか? -
I really enjoyed the class and having the conversation with the teacher.
He is a professional and fantastic teacher. He helps students to think and correct the mistakes they make in conversation.
I'm always going on and on about how much Mike's English class an amazing when my international friends ask me how can I improve my English ability. I have been wanting to learn about useful English expressions and I discovered Mike's English lessons. it gave me a new opportunity like making a new international friends and I can speak in English with them more clearly after I took Mike's English lessons. my new year's revolution is that I'd like to study abroad. Any place will be fine with me I just want to speak in English with real international people who can communicate very well in English. at first, I took Mike's English lesson I thought that this class had not fun but it turned out that because his English class was having too much fun and it made my day. trust me and don't hesitate to book his English class!@!
長くは語りません!翻訳機を使わずこの文章を書き下しました。英語の勉強歴は今年で1年目になっております。舌を巻くほど立派な実力ではありませんが、一年だけでここまで英語の実力が大幅に伸びるようになった切っ掛けはMike先生の英語の授業を週に一回は必ず受けてきたからです。次は貴方の番です。悩む暇があれば一歩進んでみるのはいかがでしょうか?後悔は一歩踏み出してからしてください。勿論、彼の授業は後悔しない程意味のある立派な授業だと保証します。 -
A great teacher.
Quick 15 minute chat! -
***ydwn0117 2021 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
I have been taking Mike's lesson for around one year and now I can communicate very well with my foreigner friends in English. After I finished taking an English test for a few days ago, I wanted to give up for studying English, and them I will make time for trying something new like cooking or playing with my friends. However, I couldn't do that because I'd like to learn English more and morn from Mike. Mike's lessons are very useful and he's very kindly, friendly. if you are afraid for speaking English, you will need to book Mike's classes. He will help you to push yourself to study English and after one year, you feel it that you can speak English fluently. He is a good person and he give me a opportunity to speak my opinions every class as much as I can. I did, why don't you try to talk with him first. if you see him, you might be able to learn about English from him. 自分は絶対に英語を話せない人だと勝手に自分のことを決め付けていました。韓国に帰ってきて本格的に英語を学んでみたいと思い、Cafetalkを始めました。しかし、自分に合う先生を見つけることはとても難しく、3カ月間英語の勉強が進まなかったのです。その時、英語の学びを諦めようかと思いました。日本語と韓国語を話せるだけでもう十分ではないかと思ったからです。全てを諦めようとしていた時、Mike先生の授業を見つけました。Mike先生と話し合ってみるととても優しく、沢山の人々に英語を教えてきた経歴を持っている立派な人だということを分かりました。そこからMike先生と毎週一回は必ず英語で話し合うように心掛けました。今は沢山のアメリカ人とスムーズにコミュニケーションできるようになっております。その友達から美味しいアメリカのお菓子も送られてきて”あ~英語を学んでよかった~”と実感できています。私ができました。貴方もきっとできます。Mike先生は貴方の人生を変えてくれる英語の先生だけではない人生の先生になってくれると思います! 시험을 보면 정해져있는 답이 많지요? 외워야하지요,, 나는 외우는 공부가 너무너무 싫습니다. 언어는 어떨까요? 저는 그렇게 생각합니다. 유일하게 외우지 않아도 되는 공부는 언어이지 않을까라구요. 내 이야기를 외국인에게 말해보고 외국인이 알아들었다,,? 이게 자신만의 언어가 아닐까요. 답이란 없더라구요! 그냥 내가 내 자신만의 언어를 만들어 내는 거,, 영어도 일본어도 중국어도 외워야 하는 단어는 많아도 항상 쓰는 단어는 정해져 있고 어느정도 레벨에 도달하면 자신만의 언어를 만들어 낼 수 있습니다. 영어를 정말 배우고 싶으면 자신만의 언어를 만들 수 있게 도와주시는 분을 찾아야 합니다. Mike선생님은 내가 나만의 언어를 창조해낼 수 있게 도와주십니다. 지금 이 메세지를 보고계시다면 당! 장! book해보세요!
I have been taking Mike's lesson for around one year and now I can communicate very well with my foreigner friends in English. After I finished taking an English test for a few days ago, I wanted to give up for studying English, and them I will make time for trying something new like cooking or playing with my friends. However, I couldn't do that because I'd like to learn English more and morn from Mike. Mike's lessons are very useful and he's very kindly, friendly. if you are afraid for speaking English, you will need to book Mike's classes. He will help you to push yourself to study English and after one year, you feel it that you can speak English fluently. He is a good person and he give me a opportunity to speak my opinions every class as much as I can. I did, why don't you try to talk with him first. if you see him, you might be able to learn about English from him.
시험을 보면 정해져있는 답이 많지요? 외워야하지요,, 나는 외우는 공부가 너무너무 싫습니다. 언어는 어떨까요? 저는 그렇게 생각합니다. 유일하게 외우지 않아도 되는 공부는 언어이지 않을까라구요. 내 이야기를 외국인에게 말해보고 외국인이 알아들었다,,? 이게 자신만의 언어가 아닐까요. 답이란 없더라구요! 그냥 내가 내 자신만의 언어를 만들어 내는 거,, 영어도 일본어도 중국어도 외워야 하는 단어는 많아도 항상 쓰는 단어는 정해져 있고 어느정도 레벨에 도달하면 자신만의 언어를 만들어 낼 수 있습니다. 영어를 정말 배우고 싶으면 자신만의 언어를 만들 수 있게 도와주시는 분을 찾아야 합니다. Mike선생님은 내가 나만의 언어를 창조해낼 수 있게 도와주십니다. 지금 이 메세지를 보고계시다면 당! 장! book해보세요! -
His Lesson is very practical. We can learn a lot of vocabularies from him and we can be used in business, school, daily life and so on. After he explain us the vocabulary, we have time to make sentence using the vocabulary that we learned from him. Through this work, we can make this vocabulary to own by ourselves. He accept and answer any questions and explain in detail for us. He sometime joke during the class and sometime talk about his family. it makes us feel relaxed and happy when we take his English lesson. He gives note after the lesson so that we can review it anytime. I appreciate him to teach us a lot about English grammars and it motivated me a lot to push myself to study English every day.
마이크 선생님의 수업은 너무나도 실용적이며 비지니스, 학교, 일상생활등 여러가지 상황에서 사용할 수 있는 언어를 가르쳐 주십니다. 마이크 선생님께서 단어를 설명하고 난 후, 저희는 그 단어를 사용하여 짧은 문장을 만들어보는 시간을 가질 수 있습니다. 그 시간을 잘 활용하면 가르쳐주신 문법을 저희의 것으로 만들 수 있습니다. 어떠한 질문을 해도 상냥하게 설명해 주십니다. 가끔 농담도 하고 그의 가족에 관하여 이야기 해주십니다. 저에게는 그러한 마이크 선생님의 친구같은 모습이 너무나도 좋습니다. 수업이 끝나면 수업에서 가르쳐주신 내용을 바탕이로 노트를 만들어 주시고 저희들은 그 노트를 보며 복습도 할 수 있습니다. 언제나 열심히 가르쳐주시는 마이크 선생님의 수업을 듣고있으면 저도 어느순간 영어를 하고 싶어지게 됩니다. 또 다른 가르침을 주신 마이크 선생님을 위해서라도 조금 더 힘내고 싶습니다.
In my case, I have been studying English with Mike for around one year, and now, I made a lot of foreigner friends. I contacted them every night and they always said to me "How long have been studying English?" or "who teach you about English?". So I responded to them "I don't have a special way to study English. I just often catch up with Mike by Skype. He's my English teacher and he made a great material for me every class". I just went over that I have learned about English expressions from him. It was awesome every class. If you really want to be a native English speaker, you should book Mike English class as soon as possible. Any classes will help you to improve your English ability more. No pain no gain. I'm able to learn about it from Mike.
私はまだ英語が上手ではありません。しかし、この文書を書き下せるようになりました。全てがMike先生のおかげです。Mike先生の授業はどのような年齢代でも気軽に受けることができる内容が充実している授業です。初めてMike先生の授業を申し込んだ時、私はアルファベットしか分かりませんでした。韓国人なので、片仮名すらわからなかったです。もし、片仮名を分かっていれば少しだけは話したかもしれないです。Mike 先生は何も分からなかった私のことをここまで成長させてくれました。勿論、努力は必要不可欠なものです。Mike先生の役割”この人のために、全力を尽くして教えたい。”という気持ちが最後まで諦めたくない粘り強さに繋がりました。初めはいつも大変なものです。コロナを乗り越えようとする全世界人の努力は少しずつ光になり、絶望を希望として変えようとしてます。今自分が大変だからといって諦めず、最後まで挑んでみてください。Mike先生は学ぼうとする人を見捨てない素晴らしい先生です。お互い頑張りましょう!未来の可能性を広げましょう!
오늘이 있기에 내일이 있고, 내일이 있기에 미래가 있다 ! 저는 이 말이 너무나도 좋습니다. Mike선생님의 수업은 정말 좋은 수업입니다. 영어라고는 알파벳밖에 알지 못했던 제가 지금은 이렇게 삼개국어로 선생님 소개를 하고 있습니다. Mike선생님이 제 처음이자 마지막이 될 영어선생님입니다. 제가 그렇게 정했거든요! 그러니 저 한번 믿어보세요! 정말 당신도 성장할 수 있을거라고 자신합니다. -
I have taken his lessons several times and always enjoy talking with him. On top of it, all the feedbacks he gives me after classes are so helpful to review what I learned and all the mistakes I made. Mike is very helpful, attentive and lovely teacher:) I do appriciate cafe talk for giving me a chance to find teachers like him!
Quick 15 minute chat! -
I have been taking his English class for around 6 months and now, I can make a lot of foreign friends. come to think of it, at first, I also had a hard time studying English with him because I was really nervous. But I never give it up by myself. I know that I have yet to speak in English correctly but I am determined to become a great English speaker this year by taking Mike English lessons. Don't hesitate to start studying English. I make sure that if you learn about English with Mike, you definitely feel happy soon. Mike先生の授業は私に夢を与えてくれた授業です。難しくない語学の勉強なんて、私は見たことありありません。ここで語学を学ぼうとしている皆さんはすぐバイリンガルになると私は確信します。Mike先生はその夢を叶えてくれる立派な先生です。Mike先生と共に自分の可能性を広げていくのはいかがでしょうか。私は沢山の外国人の友達ができました!全てがMike先生のおかげです。英語を使っている毎日が幸せです。その幸せを一緒に感じてみませんか!!?
Thank you so much for your nice lesson and feedback note.
It was a very helpful for me. I’ll review and memorize which I made mistakes and new words.
I enjoyed your lesson as always.
"Never take a single breath for granted" I like this lyrics! -
Thank you so much for your nice lesson.
I enjoyed the lesson and learned some new words.
I’ll make sentences using even, even if and even though then Send you it before next lesson.
I wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
Thank you very much for your useful feedback note.
I understood those correct sentences well. I think I sometimes make same mistakes in the conversation.
I should talk a little bit slower and make good sentences.
I’ll practice which you wrote down what I said correctly.
I’m looking forward to next class.
Thank you so much for your great lesson and feedback note.
It is always useful for me.
I watched his documentary film. I was impressed by his life again.
Thank you!
I had fun during the class with him every time. He is a very friendly person. Thanks to him, I am improving my English ability too much. if you want to speak English, I would recommend the his English class. You will never regret it.
カフェトークを初めてから今まで毎週、一回ずつ彼の授業を受けてきました。自分のレベルに合わせてコミュニケーションしてくださる優しい先生なので、話しやすいと思います。【他の授業に比べ、多少値段が高くない?】と思ってしまうかもしれません。自分のためだと考え、もったいないと思わず、一回だけでもいいから彼の授業を受けてみるのはいかがでしょうか?自分に必要なものって化粧品、車、又は服だけではありません。語学能力が本当に自分のものになれば、毎日嬉しい日々を過ごせるようになると思います。それが本の幸せだと言えるでしょう。Mike 先生はその幸せを貴方に運んでくれる人だと私は断じて思います!!you should grab this opportunity right away!! -
***imiki.roman 2020 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
Mike is a very attentive, fun and dedicated tutor. I leaned a lot besides having enjoyable conversations.
I want to express my gratitude to him and will continue to take his lessons:) -
Thank you for your great lesson!
You thought me about my question perfectly.
I understood it clearly.
有り難うございました。Quick 15 minute chat!
He's a wonderful teacher.
I enjoyed chatting with him.
I learned a lot from the lesson and feedback.