Thank you so much for your informative lesson.
It encouraged me to explore further improvement more, although I still have a lot of issues to resolve.
From A to Z, your lesson is full of interesting and satisfaction, such as touching your vast knowledge of Japan(I was astonished to learn you know Japan more than Japanese.)
Absolutely, your insight regarding the pronunciation diagnosis plays the significant role on making my goal realized.
I highly look forward to receiving your sophisticated knowledge and professional technique.
Please take good care of yourself and enjoy your weekdays. -
I highly appreciate your passionate and professional lesson today.
Especially, you pointed out all my faults and habits that even I forgot making.
Your deep knowledge and wisdom is making a huge impression that I've never experienced before.
All advice and tips you provided me means a lot to my further progress.
I greatly look forward to meeting you and receiving your great lesson as soon as possible.
This is very fortunate for me to meet you. -
Tom is really quick and intellectual. I’m always dazzled by his knowledge.
He’s also tolerant to accept any questions. I had a great time talking with him.
With him, your 100% satisfaction is always guaranteed!
Yet another great lesson with him once again.
Thanks! -
Thank you Tom for being such a brilliant lesson. His knowledge in the English language is huge and whatever questions I pose, he answers giving many examples. He is very quick-minded and is so patient, and willing to explain in various ways until there is no doubt in my mind regarding the question. Highly recommend him to anyone wishing to ameliorate their English :)
When I talk with Tom, I can’t afford to zone out! Our conversation tend to fly off at a tangent
So I need to put my brain into full gear to keep our conversation rolling.
I suppose he could create lessons catering to students’ goals, interests, and abilities.
Tom’s broad range of knowledge,quick-wittedness, and passion in teaching make me awe-struck. Although my English studies go pear-shaped these days, he gives me a glimmer of hope. I highly recommend Tom as a tutor.
いつも私のランダムな質問に答えてくださる頼りになる先生です。今日も出尽くすまで質問させてくださり感謝しています。宿題の答え合わせも出来ましたし、体調を崩しがちな私が買ったシロップに入っている梅の効能やEURO2020,東京オリンピックに関するトラブルのあれこれについても話をしました。日本語や日本の文化にも詳しい先生なので話しやすいですし、最後にはきっちりと正しい自然な英語に直して例文もドキュメントに残してくださいます。いつもありがとうございます! -
宿題の答え合わせのためにレッスンをお願いしました。とにかく熱心な先生でいつも話が思わぬ方向にいきます。検索をしたりタイプをしたり私の言ったことに反応したりとマルチタスキングをしながら時間配分をきちんと考えてくださって、宿題の答え合わせはもちろん英語で書かれた解説に関して質問はないか気にかけてくださいました。私がざっくりした言い方をすると鋭い指摘をされますし、次のレッスンが控えている中でも最後にミスの訂正を忘れずにしてくださいました。私が飲んでいる鎮痛剤がらみのジョークを披露して頂きましたが、笑ったおかげで痛みもどこかに飛んでいったみたいです。I hope you had time to grab a cup of coffee,Tom!
遅い時間のスタンバイリクエストでしたが、快く引き受けてくださいました。トム先生は博識で、どんな内容でも会話を広げてくださります。また、どんな疑問でも質問すると丁寧に答えてくださります。毎回レッスンのたびにドキュメントを使用してくださるので、後からの復習に役立ちます。続けて受講すると必ず英語力が伸びると思えるレッスンです。Strongly recommended to anyone wishing to improve their English skills :) Thank you, Thomas sensei!
朝早くにTom先生に質問があるので次にお目にかかった時に教えて欲しいとメッセージを送ったのですが、ちょうど午後早くにオンライン中でしたのでレッスンをお願いしました。機会があればお聞きしようとメモしていた質問がいくつもあったのでそのことは聞けずに終わりましたが、今回も文法、文化、歴史と様々なことを教えて頂きました。先生は早朝からレッスンがあってお疲れだったにも関わらず、画像やグラフを使って熱心に質問に答えてくださいました。毎回たくさん聞きたいことがあるので、先生が資料を検索中に次の質問をしたりするのですが、そんな時でも先生は頭の回転が速く、どの質問にも最適な例文を挙げながらきちんと答えをくださいます。盛りだくさんでレッスンを振り返るのが大変なくらいですが、Google Notesを読み返したいと思います。ワクチン接種が進んでいるイギリスでは以前の生活が戻りつつあると日本では伝えられていますが、また少し感染者数が増えているようで、実際に現地にいらっしゃる先生から貴重なお話が聞けるのもオンラインレッスンの良さです。毎回とても充実した時間を過ごせています。熱意があればそれにきちんと応えてくれる先生です。今回はコロケーションの宿題もくださいました。Tom is such a generous giver. He always lavishes his knowledge and time to answer my questions. Words can't express how grateful I am. He's absolutely a top-notch tutor.
Today I had a very interesting conversation today.He told me about my strong points and made me to get confidence! Either my intonation and myself!! Thank you very much for your inpiration! Thomas! Never give up!
Thank you for today's lesson.
It was a lot of fun.
レッスン中にノートを作ってくれて、最後に間違いを直してチャットにファイルを送ってくれるので、復習もできるしとても勉強になります。 -
I really enjoyed the lesson.
His lesson is very interesting.
I recommend. -
Thank you so much for your great lesson! -
It was a great lesson! Thomas was very gentle, so he was very easy to talk to. I loved the lesson! Feel free to have a lesson with him; you won't regret it.
I requested his lesson on his stand by. As soon as it started he kept asking me questions so that there were no time for hesitation! It was like a roller coasters! It is a good way of practicing speaking. And later he makes corrections on my English. I just had so much fun at his lesson!!
It was a great session for me who can speak English halfway.
It was very easy to hear British English, and I had a very good time because Tom was careful not to take the initiative of the conversation easily while relaxing my tension.
Also, in the latter half of the lesson, he positively pointed out my conversational habits, pronunciation tips of English words, and good points, so the lesson was in a state of "This is what I wanted!!".
Additionally, Tom has a lot of knowledge about Japan ( not only, I believe) so that the conversation has never been stopped finding topic to talk.
He is basically a native tutor but maybe because he lived in Japan for quite a long time,
he understand Japan and the culture well, and sometimes speak in Japanese too.
It was a trial lesson but I learnt many from the talks. He could give students some example in various way promptly, while explaining.
Grammar is my biggest nightmare. Therefore I don't really understand what is adverbials or adverb of frequency, etc but I can catch the nuance from the examples that he gave.
I guess practicing more with "Master" Tom will help students improve their English skills.