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It's been a long time since the last time.
It was great to talk with you.
I'm really excited about we're going to do from now on.
I believe that we can achieve something valuable together.
Can't wait to see you soon! -
Thank you for your lesson and feedback. I enjoyed last night. See you after my summer events!
Today's course with teacher Elena was so good. Starting to thinking much more deeper. We also discussed a lot of issue.
Elena先生は面白い質問をくれて、昔考えなかったことを討論した。嬉しい。 -
***tjsdms963 2022 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
엘레나 선생님과의 수업은 항상 너무 기다려지고 수업이 끝나고나면 즐겁게 대화를 하며 많은 것을 배운 느낌이 들어 기분이 좋습니다!
I'm always looking forward to her class. Always after class, I've learned a lot of useful things with having sooooo interesting conversation with her. It makes me feel elated:)
그녀는 항상 너무 공손하게 대답을 해주시며 진지한 자세로 저의 말을 끝까지 경청해주시는 그녀의 모습은 대화를 하는데 자신감을 가질 수 있게 해줬습니다!
She always answers so politely and listens my word so carefully or attentively and it has allowed me to have confidence in conversation!
그녀의 영국식 발음은 너무 매력적이고 그녀의 대화 속도는 느리지 않아 저의 리스닝 실력 또한 향상 시켜줍니다!
그녀와 대화를 많이하면 토익 시험에서 리스닝 파트는 495점에서 490점을 받을 수 있도록 향상됩니다:)
Her British accent is so fabulous and conversation is not slow so that it also improves my listening skills!
If you talk with her a lot, the score of listening part on the TOEIC test will be improved to get 490 points from 495 points :)
정성스러운 코멘트와 수업자료들은 제가 예습과 복습을 할 수 있도록 도와주어 배운 것을 쉽게 잊어버리지 않게 도와줍니다. 이 또한 저를 기쁘게 합니다:)
Sincere comments and useful class materials help me study in advance and review the class so that I don't forget what I've learned easily. This also makes me so happy :)
항상 감사함을 느끼며 다음 주 수업을 기대합니다!
I really appreciate her and look forward to next week's class!
Let's have a chat in English ... -
***esHsiao 2022 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
Elena always provides various topics and make a great conversation. I really enjoy our classes.
English Conversation Class (4... -
Thank you for your feedback. Your lesson is enjoyable for me, because I really like British movies, music and paintings. See you soon!
She is a really great teacher!!!
I sincerely appreciate her meeting here.
She is very easy to talk, enthusiastic and friendly.
I took conversation and grammar classes, all of which were satisfactory lessons.
She is a nice teacher who keeps me motivated to study English. -
Thank you for your message and gift. I don't mind 6 minutes. I really enjoy chatting with you about British music, culture, etc. See you soon!
今日はQuick Grammar fix!を受講しました。とても楽しいレッスンでした!自分で英文を作る事が出来ないので、英語でコミュニケーションが取れるか心配でしたが、Elena先生はとても優しくて片言の英語でも理解してくれました!先生の英語はとても聞き取りやすく、分かりやすかったです。You're such a wonderful teacher and I love your lessons! See you soon! :)
I enjoyed talking with her! She gave me a lot of chance to speak, which was what I was hoping for.
前回より2か月以上たってしまいましたが、いつも満面の笑みで迎えてくれるElena,私に対してもどうしてそんなに元気でパワフルなの!?と聞いて下さいますが、全部先生たちからの影響です!!(笑)英語も上手くなったと言って下さりありがたいです。今回はロシア自分の近況と、ロシア・ウクライナに関して話して、フィードバックで他にも役立つ単語をいろいろ教えて下さいました!They must be helpful for me when I discuss!! Thank you always, Elena!
Elena's enthusiasm never ceases to astound me during and after our Zoom session. We learners appreciate it.
I had my first lesson with Elena today. She's very friendly and easy to talk to and I enjoyed the lesson. Thank you!
짧은 시간이었지만 굉장한 에너지를 느꼈습니다. 그리고 숙어와 관련하여 관련된 제 경험을 이야기해 볼 수 있는 기회를 많이 주셨습니다. 그리고 제가 잘 이해하지 못한 부분은 다른 예시를 이야기해주셔서 이해하기 쉬웠습니다. 마지막에는 자신감을 더 가져도 된다는 피드백과 수업이 끝난 이후에도 더 많은 이야기를 메시지로 공유해달라고 하셨고 이점에 아주 감사했습니다.
短い時間でしたがすごいエネルギーを感じました そして、熟語と関連した私の経験を話す機会をたくさんくださいました。 そして、私がよく理解できない部分は他の例を話してくださって理解しやすかったです。 最後に、もっと自信を持ってもいいというフィードバックと授業が終わった後も、もっとたくさんの話をメッセージで共有してくださいと言ってくださって、この点にとても感謝しました。
It was a short time, but I felt a lot of energy from her. And she gave me a lot of opportunities to talk about my experiences related to idioms. And what I didn't understand well was easy to understand because you told me another example. In the end, she gave me feedback that I could have more confidence and asked me to share more stories in messages even after class, and I was very grateful for this. -
Thank you for your lesson & feedback. Yes, Coldplay will be touring world in 2022. (UK, Europe... not Asia including Japan...) I'll check documentaries weekend. See you soon! Yoko
It was great to talk with you as always.
We've been discussing how we talk in a customer support situation since my new job is focused on that.
She taught me how we professionally and politely deal with customers including lots of useful phrases and expressions.
Not only that, she also mentions the way we cope with a certain type of customers such as complaints etc...
It is quite interesting to discuss this type of topic with foreign people because the way they handle situations varies from person to person and country and country.
She's giving me her insights along all practical set phrases.
I believe that I can improve not only English, but also a customer support skill with her lessons.