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She is always great.
英語でフリートーク25 -
She is always great.
英語でフリートーク25 -
Always great, thank you.
英検なんでも対策[対象:5〜2級] -
今回のレッスンもありがとうございました。Meg.S先生のクラスを卒業したいような、したくないような。。とても複雑ですが 行って参ります。(^ ^)v Thank you as always.Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
The lesson was well-organized. It started with self-introduction each other, reading material on news, answering questions and having discussion. We could develop discussing about several topics and it was exciting. Meg Sensei didn't forget pointing out the points I should add to my summary of the news article.
Improve your English by reading new wit... -
Always she us amazing.
I appreciate her attitude.
Free conversation with Meg.S in English... -
Her lessons are so nice, they are always fun.
I really appreciate her.Free conversation with Meg.S in English... -
I'm going to do homework in UNIT 10. I will prepare UNIT 11 today.
Looking forward to it again next time.
Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I have never submitted my homework with skype chart. It was my first time to make three sentence using "present perfect", then I submitted that through skype chat box. My teacher had proofreading and explained to me that was really helped. I was glad to hear that "Keep it up!".
次のレッスンはUNIT10、時制もそろそろ中盤、復習しないと忘れてしまいそう、と思って過去のフィードバックを読み直したところとても有益でした。来週も予習がんばろうと!よろしくお願いいたします。Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I have learned unit 8 last week.
ホームワークもがんばります。Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I've learned Unit 7 and 8, Present perfect ( I have done ).
7.C Sec, "the difference between gone (to) and been (to):" I'm a little confused. I didn't fully understand why until now.
Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I had lesson “Unit 6 Past continuous (I was doing) Ex 6.3” to “Unit 7 Present perfect 1 (I have done)” D section. Before the lesson starts, I can't tell the difference. “When Karen arrived, we were having dinner. / When Karen arrived, we had dinner. ”
私は英語で考える瞬間には、過去進行形はほぼ使わないので苦手です。意識して使い、音読して定着させたいので、丁寧に解説していただきました。英文と日本語の解説で「がっつり」印象に残るレッスンでした。“Matt phoned while we were having dinner.” 点と線、時間の感覚は、面白いですね!次のUnit 7「現在完了形」良く耳にするけど、特定の言い回し “have been to どこどこ”ぐらいしか定着せず、応用がきかず私的に難しい時制です。正確に理解して使いたいので、ここも丁寧にお願いしました。解説Dでタイムアップでした。復習がんばります。
Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I'm always nervous before the lesson starts.
When I'm launching my Skype, a sudden and unexpected things happened.
I am not sure when Windows 10 update will finish. The update got end just in time.
Sometimes, our conversation really takes off, and we end up not going through the grammer textbook.
10 minutes later, We started lesson UNIT 6, Past contininuous (I was doing)
中学、高校と文法の授業をさぼり、基礎が無い私には 時制が苦手です。
とても有意義なレッスンでした。また、今週続きをお願いする予定です。Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
I was happy to talk to you again.
My Skype setting is not perfect. So, I take lesson without the video just by voice. It’s a pity that I couldn’t see your face.
最初は英語による近況報告、その後Unit 5 のポイントや不明点を日本で説明していただき、練習問題の答え合わせをしました。文法だけでなく、音読、発音、語法まで音声とチャットでフォローいただき大変助かります。
Intermdeiate level of English grammer w... -
Thank you for today's lesson, now I feel much closer to this poem:) And I practice more focusing on your advice. Thank you so much and see you soon! 今日は音声が悪くてすみませんでした。朝から頭を使って、脳が活性化された気がします!発音や読み方は人に指摘してもらわないとなかなか自分では分からないことが多いので、参考になります。ありがとうございました。
Improve your reading skill and pronunci... -
Thank you for last night Meg sensei, I'm very content with the change of my way of reading between before and after the class. Now I'm trying correcting my weakpoint, "th" sound according to your advice. This lesson is recommended for anyone who wants to focus on the pronunciation and/or loves reading. 発音に特化したレッスンを初めて取ってみたのですが、自分では気づいていなかったことが色々分かって面白かったです。指摘してもらったことを練習して、ステップアップしていきたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
Improve your reading skill and pronunci...
***eko 2020 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
I love her attitude, always wonderful.