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I need a transcript when I prepare for this lesson, but this time, the transcript for the TED talk wasn't available on the web. However, Charles has sent me his transcript in advance. It was really helpful! -
Charles always inspired me with great ideas and strong, clear expressions when we discussed job interviews and personalities. I learned a lot from him, and I will keep practicing with him because he is kind and generous with his help. I felt very relaxed when I talked with him. He is one of the best instructors.
Always learned a lot from Charles! I really appreciate that Charles can give me detailed explanations and useful suggestions on our topics. I learned how to organize my sentences better with Charles's help. Very positive lessons and instructor and I will keep learning!
I was very relaxed to have the conversation with Charles, and truly learned useful job interview methods and got advice from him. I learned both English speaking skills and helpful expression skills and learning methods. I feel lucky learning from Charles!
Very helpful lesson! I practiced some job interview questions with Charles and got some inspiring feedback. I will keep practicing. I recommend Charles's lessons to learn conversations in English.
***iko 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
Charles is my therapist(hehe) and a great friend, and of course a fantastic tutor!
今回は、こちらからリクエストしたTED talkを元に、レッスンをお願いしました。言葉や文法の理解に問題はないのだけれど、TED Talkerが全体を通して伝えようとしていることが、いまひとつ掴みきれない…という少々難しい状況でしたが、Charles先生が辛抱強く丁寧に説明して下さったおかげで、最後はしっかりと理解することができました!時間まで延長して頂いて、本当にたすかりました。
I asked the tutor to use a particular TED talk that I wanted to discuss in this lesson. It was a bit of a tricky situation in that although I understood each sentence and the grammar, I couldn't quite grasp what the core message of the TED talk was. However, thanks to Charles' generous help in extending the lesson time, I was able to fully understand it in the end. It was a really helpful lesson! -
***iko 2023 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
Charles is a great friend and of course, a fantastic tutor!
Take care of yourselves and have a wonderful New Year. :) -
It’s very useful lesson to me. It’s a challenge but always had a good time with Charles! Tx:)
Thank you for the whole lessons. Charles makes me feel studying hard, can’t wait to next lessons!
Someone who need to ready for study, Charles is perfect your partner!
p.s 25 minutes is too short! 50 min’ is better choice always! :)) -
It was a good time and everything was good! Thanks Charles :)
I had a great lesson with Charles as always. I received three Ted talks in advance to choose from for my lesson. We first discussed the topic of the speech I had chosen and then went over the text. He always helps me with new vocabulary and appropriate expressions while I am speaking. I would recommend his lessons to anyone who wants to improve their English.
Charles is my recent therapist(hehe) and a great friend, and of course a fantastic tutor!
パリを中心としたストやデモのニュースをテレビで知って心配していましたが、ご連絡を頂いて安心しました。添削に加えてメッセージへの返信もくださり、パリの様子やアメリカでも日本と似たような事件が起きたことがあるという事実を知ることができました。先生とのやり取りを通して、国内外のことを考えるきっかけにもなっています。I’m so grateful that Charles kindly accepted my request.
He always makes sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed in his corrections.
His informative message reflects his intelligence and thoughtfulness and broadens my horizons. I'm blessed to have a tutor like him.
Write Now!
Thank you for being a great tutor and a good friend!
I'm so grateful for what you do everything to help my English and my life. :) -
I'm so lucky to have Charles as a tutor and a friend. He genuinely cares about his students and goes out of his way to help us. English what I learn from him is so relevant in my life and it tends to stick with me. I'm very happy to have met him here!
We talked about something very personal. I
feel like Charles isn't only a wonderful tutor, but also a great friend. :) -
corrected sentences:
I usually work at 7a.m.
I haven’t had a TOEIC test for a while.
I just wanted to know what my level was.
I haven't had a test in a long time.
F1 = 1 bedroom with a living space
F2 = 2 bedrooms + living space
boarding house:board·ing house | ˈbôrdiNG ˌhous |
[noun]a house providing food and lodging for paying guests.
I have been learning with Charles for a while. Charles is always passionate and gives lots of great advice that really helps me in many ways. Charles is not only a good English teacher but also an excellent mentor. I enjoy every lesson with Charles!