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英検1級を目指しているので、1級のテストで良く扱われるTechnology, Science, Health 分野の記事やビデオを積極的に見ようと思っているので、今回このレッスンをとってみました。1つのビデオをじっくりリスニングすることで、リスニング、語彙、会話表現、などいろいろ学べて面白かったです。記事で読むことはあっても、こういった内容を話すことは普段無いので、「あ~こういう風に表現するんだ」と勉強になりました。
TECH video
To be honest, I'm quite ignorant of technology. It may sound contradictory, but that's why I took this lesson. I wanted to know new things. The lesson was given as follows: In advance of the lesson, Teacher Nagi sent me a video ling, I listened to it and we discussed the content of it. Today, I learned a new kind of scooter, which was amazing. At the end of the lesson, he asked me to describe the scooter as if I were doing a presentation. The impromptu presentation was actually hard work for me, but through the process of putting together what I learned, and trying to convey it so that the listener ( Teacher Nagi ) could easily catch it, I was able to learn a lot. I think doing presentations is one of the best ways to learn languages. After listening to the presentation, Teacher Nagi gave me a piece of advice on how to make it interesting. It was really a good lesson. I thank him a lot.
TECH video
Let's talk!
TOEIC Speaking & Writing
先生が薦めてくれたTOEICスピーキング試験対策のコースが良さそうなので、早速予約しました。楽しみです。 -
This is my second time that I've taken the lesson; TV DRAMA English. Since I'm hooked on THE MENTALIST, I asked him to use an episode from it. The lesson goes like this: I fill in the blanks of the transcript as soon as I listen to the relevant part. Honestly, I can't figure out what they say immediately even though I've watched the episode before. I leave it to Mr. Nagi to decide which part to listen to. I think it's a good idea to use dramas as a means of learning English. You can combine fun with learning.
TV DRAMA English
今日は主にフリートークでしたが、英語を話すのがとても楽しいと思えた時間でした。さらに込み入ったテーマや語彙を増やすために、別のレッスンもとってみたいです。また、よろしくお願いします。 -
In this trial lesson, he gave me confidence about speaking English and some tips for learning English from TV drama. He speaks calmly and he is very kind.
오랜만에 수강을 하였읍니다만, 세세한 부분까지 틀린점을 지적하여 주어서 많은 도움이 되었읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
I really enjoyed talking with him, and at the same time realized many things about my English "conversational skills!" He can find out students' weak points in the early stage of the lesson, so we can clearly be aware of the weak points and mistakes, and work on them during lesson. I'm quite sure I can make my English better with his lesson:)
Thank you Nagi-san for a great lesson! Talk to you later!
Let's talk!
His lesson was really good and I felt relaxed while we were talking. Moreover I was surprised how useful and detailed his feedback about my English was. I really appreciate his advice. I'd love to take his lesson again.
Let's talk!
Thank you so much for the lesson. It was so good. When I hear people from different countries speak Japanese, I can easily notice there is something different in their Japanese. This would be because Japanese is so much part of me that I find even a slight difference a bit awkward . The same thing can be said about my English. To improve my English, what I need most is to be corrected by native speakers. Mr. Nagi's corrections are clear and to the point. Through the process of making mistakes and being corrected, I think I can make what I've learned mine. I know there is a long way to go, but I'll try hard. This lesson is good for those who really want to fix their English.
언제나 모르는 부분을 친절히게 가르쳐주어서 많은 도움이 되고 있읍니다.
계속해서 강의를 듣고 싶습니다.SIDE by SIDE 4
One of the most difficult things for me has been to tell whether or not my English sounds natural in terms of pronunciation, choice of words and grammar. His comments were really specific. For example, in
pronunciation, I tend to pronounce each word too separately, which I've never noticed while speaking. So, he suggested that I improve on the connection between consonant sounds and vowel ones. This is just one of the pieces of advice he gave me. His advice is really practical and helpful. I'd like to take his lesson again.Let's talk!
He is gentle and a good listener. I could talk with him without nervousness. I hope to have his lesson again.
Let's talk!
오랫만에 수업을 들었읍니다만, 변함없이 차분하게 수업을 해주어서 많은 도움을 받았읍니다. 계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다.
またよろしくお願いいたします。SIDE by SIDE 3
リラックスして話せて、自然な形で正しい英語表現が学べる。今の自分に合った英語の磨き方かなーと思われて、続けたいレッスン一つです!Thank you very much Nagi san!