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Well, is something that teaches to think! I am so glad that I bumped into that lesson. It really helps whatever one's life project would be.
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Ryo.Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Teacher Lee teaches you really something precious like the art of getting the Most from yourself
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Thanks again for this wonderful class, Leeann ! I really enjoyed every minute of this class ! Your preparation for the class is always well coordinated and the feedback is so accurate and useful. I chose the main topic of the class but you added extra value to the study and I could learn so much from the class. See you again and talk more !
いつも通り、大変によく準備されたクラスで、この先生の熱意を感じました。私自身が選んだトピックでしたが、それに関連したニュース等をうまく足してすごく充実した内容でした。 また宜しくおねがいします。English For Every Occasion -
Bite-Sized Reading Activities -
細かい単語や文法のチェックもしてくれますし、この充実さでこのお値段はお得です!Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Thank you for the lesson. Your feedback is very good and detailed explanation.I am so excited for next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
English For Every Occasion -
Thank you so much again for this wonderful class ! I think I learnt so much in this class. Many classes of Leeann is short but I think they are coordinated so well to suit the needs of each student. I always have a sense of achievement after her class. The feedback after lesson is also very kind and I always appreciate for her extra passion and energy towards teaching.
今日は、リーアン先生が以前ブログに書かれていた「女性の自身の外見への意識」というテーマを話したかったので、このクラスでリクエストしました。ITに非常に長けた先生ですので、たいへん効果的に独自の教材をまとめて、又、生徒の話す時間も十分にとって下さいました。Leeannのクラスは15分とかせいぜい30分とか短いものが多いですが、限られた時間内で目いっぱい学習できるようにうまく教材をつくられるのにいつも関心します。非常に良心的な良い先生です。(Penpalのクラスも受けて郵送でメールのやり取りをしましたが、これにもたいへん丁寧なフィードバックを下さいますよ!定期的にすれば書く英語力も伸びると思います。ほぼ郵送代金だろうというこの価格でこれだけ丁寧に返していただき申し訳ないぐらいです。でも、お勧めです!この時代でもノスタルジックな郵送の文通のやりとり~私は好きだな~!)English For Every Occasion -
Thank you for lesson.I am so excited for lesson.I think I want to learn the lesson a lot.It is fun to listen native speaker Talk .I look forward to next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
学生時代、海外文通をしていたころをなつかしく思い出しました。私が書いた手紙に長いお返事を書いてくださったり、いろいろなものを送ってきてくださったりとても丁寧に対応していただけました。Thank you very much for your kindness letter and small gift ! I'd love to visit your beautiful country someday !!
Thank you very much, Leeann, for this quite unique class of English lesson. Although you sent me the script of our play in advance, I just couldn't understand what I should do or how I could play a role of characters in the script. As you mentioned, the characters in this play were described very ambiguously and for me it just didn't make sense at all. After your explanation about this play, I was beginning to understand the core of the play but still it's not a enough understanding at all. Thanks also for your effort to send me a kind supplement of the feedback of this class. I think I'd better to take another lesson of this class for my better understanding.
この先生のクラスは、実にユニークな内容のものが多いようですが、今回初めて試したこのクラスもかなり変わっていました。学習する寸劇の原稿は事前に送ってくれるのですが、その内容がかなり変わっていて、日本的発想から抜け出せない私には、なかなか理解しにくい、つまり演じずらいキャラクタでした。いつもどうり丁寧なフィードバックもあとで送ってくれますがそれを読んでも私にはむずかしい点が多かったです。 もう一度受けようと思います。
でも、実に熱心に教えてくれます。良い先生です。The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
短い時間なのに、なぜかとても話した気分になるのが不思議です。きっと話を引き出すのが上手な先生なんだと思います。短い時間なのにたくさん話すので、次々と新しい言い回しや、単語などを教えてもらえるのでお得なレッスンだと思います。Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Thank you for lesson. It was very fun . Today`s lesson studied my son(6 years old). This is his first time to do 'Play time',so he was very tense.And,On the way,it was noisy during the lesson,because his sister and his father was stormed .However he was excited for it.
I`m so sorry clamoring them during your lesson.
We look forward to next time.
Press Start to Play -
Thank you for lesson.I was interesting in Video content. It was very fun time when I used my head your question.I could feel that I studied harder. it is useful that your feedback is very good.I look forward to next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
Thank you for lesson.
I understood my pronunciation ploblem point in this lesson. Your feedback was very easy to understand and detailed about my pronunciation ploblem .I look forward to next lesson.Strictly Pronunciation -
Thank you very much, Leeann, for this very interesting class !
I took this class for the first time and enjoyed its versatile functions. I think that we can practise 4 basic skills in English most effectively in this rather short class. Thanks also for your
very kind/informative feedback too !
この先生ながらのユニークな教材を使っての、英語の基本スキルの4点を練習するクラスです。"Play Time"のクラスでも感じましたが、使用する教材も大変うまく出来ていて、短い時間ながら、しっかり練習できます。今日は始めに自分が話したいニュースについて聞いてもらっていたので時間がくいこみ急ぎ足で進めた感がありましたが、脳の前頭葉を刺激されるような内容のおもしろいクラスです。フィードバックも丁寧でした。English For Every Occasion -
Thank you for lesson.I was exsited for 'Play time'.I think various contents in 'Play game`lesson.'2 ture and 1 lie GAME'of this lesson was difficult to think English quickly ,but it was very interesting.And 'Vocabulary Quiz too.I look forward to next lesson.
Press Start to Play -
Thank you very much, Leeann, for this very interesting class.
This is the 2nd time of my taking your 'Play Time' class. I tried my best to tackle the questions you suggested but it was quite difficult to answer them correctly within the limited time. I think this is a very unique lesson for developing our expressing skills in English.
The game-like feature of this class is quite amusing and I like it very much.
このクラスは今回が二回目でしたが、子供のゲーム的要素を取り入れた娯楽性あるクラスです。私自身はコンピュータゲームをしませんが、それらに慣れている若い世代だともっと上手にやれるのではと想像します。つまに指示されたものが絵の中のどこに隠れているかの問題で、正解の早さは英語力とは関係ありませんが、先生にヒントをもらったりして正解に近づくなかで、英語の表現力を鍛えられます。Leeannのクラスの多くは若い世代の先生による新しい英語の教授法だと思います。Press Start to Play
Thank you for pronunciation class.Today`s lesson is the first time to learn pronunciation,last lesson ,because of the level check.I thought today`s lesson seems quiz.It was fun.However I took many times to understand how to do going the lesson,I`m sorry.And I understood to have not good at listening and speaking some of sound in today`s lesson.I`m so excited I will improve my pronunciation by this class.