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English Conversation + Gramma... -
Before this lesson, I got the link to a video. When I watched it, I felt it was very difficult for me even though I watched it several times. But after the lesson, I felt I understood the video very well.
In the lesson, we check the difficult words first, and then Jeff answer the quick questions. After that, we went through the video little by little with finding the answer for the quick questions. And Jeff explained the part. That made me feel understand the video fully.
This is a very good lesson using a video!YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
For this lesson, I had a link to an audio file with the script beforehand. It was difficult one when I just listened to, but after checking the hard vocabularly I could understand the meaning. So the level of the material was good for me, I think. I got new vocabularly through this article. In the lesson, I had lots of chance to express my thought since Jeff asked about the content. So I think this lesson is a good exsercise for listening to, reading and speaking English.
All-in-One Lesson: Listening,... -
It was an useful lesson for me so that I focus the vocabulary build-up and listenning comprehension.
Jeff-sensei propose the video as a material each lesson , it's so interesting, then I enjoy studying English.
Thank you , Jeff-sensei, see you very soon!
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
ありがとうございました。All-in-One Lesson: Listening,... -
Thank you always for your fun and productive lessons!!
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
アンコールワットに関するビデオ(3分程)でした。単語や要点の確認用の問題をやり、ディスカッションもします。二つ目のビデオ(今回は1分程)はその場で見て、問題に答えます。先生の説明が大変興味深いです。例えば、claim its place on the horisonは、 a place in the sunの表現を変化させた言い方だと知りました。独学では気が付かなかったことです。
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
In his Youtube lesson, he sent me a link to a video of the assignment beforehand and we used it as the basis for our lesson. The video was short, about 3 minutes long, but I had a very hard time listening to it and understanding it. In the lesson, we reviewed the words in the video and did a Q&A about the content. The material he prepared was fantastic and very challenging. He also gave me very kind feedback so it was easy to review.
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
All-in-One Lesson: Listening,... -
米国大統領選挙に対するサイバー攻撃の記事でした。先生の説明がいつも分かり易く、英英辞典より理解が深まります。例えばpoliticise=政治化する、harverst =getだけではない深い意味が分かり、記事を浅くしか理解していないことに気が付きました。すごく楽しいです!
BBC News Article Deep Dive An... -
BBC News Article Deep Dive An... -
This was my first time to take his lesson. He was very kind and positively complimented my poor English. He was sincere in dealing with my request. I learned a lot from his lesson. I'd like to take his lesson again.
Let's Talk! - English Convers... -
It was a great lesson this time again. First part of lesson was for letting me to speak and second part was grammar tutorial. Teacher Jeff is always patience to listen to my speaking and explain details. The notes after lesson is also very helpful to learn Native speaker's English. Thank you very much Jeff san for your fruitful lesson. See you next time!
English Conversation + Gramma... -
YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
It was a wonderful and useful lesson for the student who are studying listenning like me. Jeff-sensei made sure the contents of the video after answering the question he set up, thanks to that , I could understand the details. And he send surely the lesson note as feedback after the lesson , it is also useful for the review.
Thank you , Jeff-sensei, see you soon!YouTube Listening Skills + Vo... -
Thank you always for your great lessons!
Read the News - Reading Compr... -
The discussion lesson I took today with Jeffery-sensei was so fruitful and fun.
It was a good training for me to use English more naturally.
Thank you!BBC News Article Deep Dive An... -
Today,I was studying BBC news article. It's long article and have lots of difficult words. But Mr. Jeff explained and reading them earnestly. His lesson is always eager,kind and enjoyable for students,I think. I recommend his lesson.
Thank you for today's one.
BBC News Article Deep Dive An...
It was a great first lesson with Jeff! He is well prepared and I could learn a lot in a short time!
I will definitely book another lesson soon!