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Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Thank you for lesson. This audio was difficult for me.But listening the audio was fun.I look forward to next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
This time I acted Game of throne and undestood in depth, thanks the clear explaining of Leann Teacher. It's hard to explain or describe this lesson, I think everyone should try it, for everyone it's something different, there is something to discover.So I won't use labels, but I think everything up applies, save perhaps only "Able to explain in Japanese"
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Thanks, Leeann, for this 2nd session of pronunciation class.
As this title shows, this is an intensive lesson purely focused on pronunciation. Honestly, I never had this kind of lesson to correct my pronunciation, so I'm really excited to try this innovative method. Looking forwad to the 3rd session ! (Sorry for the late posting of this feedback!)
コンピューター操作に精通した彼女の作る画像に引きこまれ、次回も楽しみです。Strictly Pronunciation -
私の要望で旅行に関する会話を中心に行っています。何気ない言葉が出てこなくて躓いた時も、話の内容を汲み取って最適な言い方に直してくれるので、15分と短い時間でも内容が濃いレッスンです。Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
また受講しようと思います。The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
Her lessons are always really fun and full of laughter! It's not only fun but she is able to adjust herself to each student or situation. This pronunciation class begins with an assessment. Then she designs next class along the student's level. And that's so accurate. It's never boring, super fun! Thank you Leeann ;)
リーアン先生は本当に個々人に合わせて授業を構築できる方で、一辺倒なことは全く仰らないです。いつも通り時間を目一杯に使って、フィードバックも充実!次のクラスがいつも楽しみです。Strictly Pronunciation -
Well, I did a bunker, I Was totale drunk At The time of lesson, but Teacher Leann somehow managed to conduct a wonderful lesson and taught me a lot of things With out a single time being angry With me. BOYS, She is a teacher! !!!
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Thank you for lesson.This lesson is always fun.I think I want to book it a lot for listening in the future.I look forward to next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
初回はレベルチェックという事で、若干口が痛くなるくらい(笑)沢山発音して、自分のいいところ、悪いところを見てもらいました。ただ文や単語を読むだけでなく、自然に出る英会話の発音もチェックしていただきました。レッスン後に送られてきたフィードバックには他項目に渡るチェックポイントが書かれていて、それが%でどれくらい出来ているか書いてくれたので、とても分かりやすかったです。今後は今回のチェックを元に弱い所を直していくレッスンをするのですが、楽しいLeeann講師のレッスンなら楽しく発音も学んでいけると思います。このお値段でこのレッスンの充実さはお勧めです!Strictly Pronunciation -
강력 추천합니다!! 프로 정신이 강하고 마치 오랫만에 만난 친구처럼 너무 친절하고 좋았어요 :)
First Time Lesson -
Thanks, Leeann, for this pronunciation class. I took this class for the first time today and enjoyed it very much. This is not an easy class but is made up of several drills focused on 'strictly' pronunciation.
I highly appreciate your corrections of my weak points in the feedback,
and want to improve my pronunciation issues by taking this class regularly.
30分というこのクラス時間をフルに使って様々な課題の単語や文章を読んでいきます。後から、Leeannが各々の発音上の問題点を細やかに説明してくれます。レッスン後のFeedback Sheetも実に丁寧です。この先生のクラスをもう何度も受けましたが、これだけ良心的な価格でこれほど丁寧なフィードバックをくれる先生も少ないのではと正直思います。フィードバックなしだと割引が聞きますが、100円、200円安くしてもらうより私個人としてはフィードバックも付けてもらう方がよっぽど値打ちがあるように思います。是非、リピートしたいクラスです。Strictly Pronunciation -
短い時間でnon stopで話すので、時間はあっという間ですが細かいフレーズや表現が憶えれるので楽しいです。
勉強として学ぶ英語は些細な事が言えない事も多いので、このレッスンは日常会話をスムーズにしたい方にも良いですし、なんと言っていいか分からなくて黙りがちになってしまう方にもいいトレーニングだと思います。Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Never thought I could learn playing. Teacher Leann is unique, She make your Brain warm up and then gives a Role. Afterwards I feel better, more comfortable. A must to cope whatever challenge you have in mind.
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Daily English - 1/2 Structure... -
Thank you for the lesson.I listened radio that you sent me, and I `m glad when it could understand.This lesson is difficult and fun.I look forward to next lesson.
The Radio Show - Quick Listen... -
anything you plan to do she has an answer! how she manages I don't know
The Over Dramatic Theatrics -
Thank you, Leeann, for this exciting class again ! Your class is always innovative, fun, and very educational to me. I can recommend you for students of all levels as you are very good at customizing the class for each student. Thank you also again for your passion and the kind feedback ! いつも革新的かつ楽しいクラスを工夫して作ってくれます。
English For Every Occasion -
And much more! My English was so por before I Met Leann Teacher and know I feel more and more confident.
The Over Dramatic Theatrics