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とても気さくで話しやすい。的確にアドバイスしてくれる。おすすめの講師です!Cafe Talkのスタッフにおすすめしてもらい受講しました。時間を惜しみなく使ってくれる。英会話上達できそうです!
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He trying to teach me hard until I can understand! It makes me feel relax.Thank you chris!I always enjoy your class!
주제가 다양하여 시사문제부터 일상의 사소한 일에 관한 영어표현을 배울수 있는점이 많은 도움을 받았읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
언제나 그렇지만, 항상 친절하고 잘못된 표현을 즉시 고쳐주고 유창하게 될때까지 지도해 주기때문에 많은 도움을 받고 있읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
Tutor Chris's lesson is very nice.
He corrects really detail of my English.
For example, intonations, poses and how to build sentences. It helps me a lot! -
His class is always helpful and his feedback is always wonderful!It motivated me!He taught me correct sentence and pronunciation.I believe it's really important to speak English.I'll take him class again! Thank you Chris!
Chris's lesson is so fun! I really enjoyed.He is enthusiastic about teaching English. Thank you for your nice and efficient lesson, Chris.
회화를 할때 발음이나 문법에 있어서 틀린부분에 대해서 그때 그때 지적을 해주기 때문에 어디가 잘못되었는지 바로알수있기 때뭉에 많은 도움을 받고 있읍니다.
영어로 말핳때 틀린 부분이 있으면 바로 교정을 해주기 때문에 어떤점이 잘못표현했는가를 알수 있어서 많은 도움을 받았읍니다.
그리고 수업후에도 자세한 노트를 작성해주기때문에 리뷰하는데 도움이 됩니다. -
His class is not only conversation but also he observed my English accurately.So,his feed back of after class is wonderful.I can notice what is my week point and it motivated me.I'll take his class again! Thank you Chris!
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really, thank you very much for giving first class. I can understand my English problem. incorrect. but, after Japanese and work, I will attend teacher's English class, but, I have to check money for getting class. Really, thank you very much and see you later. thank you.
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처음수업이었지만, 정확하게 장점과 단점을 지적하여 계속해서 고쳐나갈수 있게 수업을 진행하여 많은 도움을 받았읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
Chris is so friendly and dedicated teacher. His detailed review is helpful for me to know what skills I should polish and how I can improve.
I want to take his lessons some time soon.Free evaluation -
It was very fun ! I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to talk frankly about a lot of different topics such as politics and history. I like that he gently corrected my errors and showed me a native way to rephrase it.! Feedback after class is amazing! I will definitely take his class again!
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It was so much fun to talk with this new tutor! He's such a bright, friendly, good communicator. He listened to me carefully and paid attention to my English. He gave me a practical feedback at the end of the lesson. Reasonable and suitable for daily conversation practice!
This lesson was great! Because, he is so kind and friendly. And he has good communication skill. I am going to keep going take his lessons.
とても楽しいあっという間の20分の体験レッスンでした。講師歴が長いからか分かりやすく的確な説明をしてくれました。よりナチュラルな表現を教えてくれたり、間違いを直してくれたのでとてもためになりました。また、気軽に質問できる雰囲気を作ってくれたのもよかったです。次回は会話のクラスやNative Checkのクラスで英文メールの添削を受けたいと思います!
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