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He gave me another wonderful lesson this time. Since I have to make a presentation in a couple days, he gave me some tips on voice projection . He also taught me how to get more relaxed before the presentation because nervous always has everything to do with how I perform on stage. Yeah, he sure knows much about public speaking, and teaches presentation skills with fun by talking about real life experiences he faced in his life. You rock JP sensei, can't wait for our next class! :))
Today's lesson was so interesting and meaningful for me. You are an intellectual teacher! I want to get better at English conversation to talk with you from now on.
先生のフレンドリーな人柄につられて私も脳をフル回転させながら話しました。日本語でも説明してくれるので初心者の方におすすめです♪ -
会話内容は全てタイプしてくれます。 -
JP Sensei, Thanks for explaining many difficult words in today's article. Most of those words are quite new to me and I think I need to build up more vocabulary.
大変楽しく受けれました。有難うございます。どうぞ、又宜しくお願いします! -
全体を通じて訂正ポイント等を的確に教えてもらえます。Thank you for your meaningful lesson!
英語で世界のニュースについて話しましょう! -
力試しのつもりで受講しました。私はやっと話せるようになったばかりですが、話し始めると止まらないタイプです。先生は、ひたすら私の英文を直してタイプしてくれました。ほんと、プロですね。でも、共通の話題が見つかり、プラモや映画で盛り上がりました! さあ~、次は何を話そうか、今から楽しみです! あ、それから彼の人柄は最高ですので、初心者やシニア、そう、私のような生徒に最高です。でも、日本語が出来る事に期待しなくても大丈夫です。とても優しい英語で説明してくれますので!
Focused Free Talk, Short Class -
I'm a beginner of wine, I know nothing but I curious about the field; while I saw the subject showing up in James's lessons,I was so excited,then I booked it nervously.
AFTER I ATTENDED THE LESSON, I felt sooooooooooo excited and it did full of substances; James prepared many wines for materials, included the wine he made(pretty cool!!!)then shared with me the process that he made his wines, introduced the characteristics of grapes, and pairings for wines; even taught me the way to pick up a suitable wine for yourself! I did gain a lot from this lesson!:D Thanks Teacher James, and I'm looking forward your new wine and cat lesson!
當我上完課,我整個很興奮也覺得內容非常充實,James準備了很多酒,甚至還有他自己釀的酒(超酷的,這也表示他真的有下一番工夫在這個領域上面),讓向我分享了他製酒的過程,甚至葡萄的總類及特性,還有不同酒適合搭配的食物,甚至是如何為自己選一瓶適合自己的酒,還有到餐廳怎麼點酒...,etc.這堂課真的讓我獲益良多,謝謝Teacher James!
我很期待他釀的新酒還有新的貓咪課程:D -
Thank for today's class ! We covered many interesting talks about
manners,traditions and superstitions unique to Japan and also did
some comparisons with their counterparts in the West.
I want to learn more about them in depth. See you again soon!
英語で説明しにくい日本の習慣や迷信など話し合いました。引き続き学びたいと思います。 -
また、話も色々広げてくれるので、話しやすいです。Focused Free Talk, Short Class -
Today we talked about wabi sabi which is a sense of beauty of the Japanese. As he has experiences of being exposed to Japanese culuture,
he knows a lot about Japan. so, I enjoyed talking with him very much.
Also, when we talked about haiku, he introduced his haiku book to me.
He is a very knowledgable person and good teacher.
He types the content of our talk, which helps me review it later. -
JP Sensei, Thanks for the very interesting discussion over the movie ' Searching for Sugar Man' I'm glad that I could find such an heartening story this time. Looking forward to our next class !
Focused Free Talk, Short Class -
Thanks a lot.
I am really glad to talk to you.
i hope I meet you again. -
今日は、少し難しかったけれども、楽しかった。ちなみに、幼稚園が、Tommy International school で、今の学校は、京都にある立命館小学校です。Thank you today!! see you tomorow !!!
Increase your TOEIC score -
I really enjoyed a lesson. I was happy to meet very cute guest! At first , I was a little nervous to speak English, but finally , become relaxed because of your talk. It was happy lesson for me. Thanks a lot.
初めてのレッスンで受けました。聞き取れなかったところや、間違えたところをチャットで文字に残してくれるので、復習もしやすく、とてもためになるレッスンでした。 -
Increase your TOEIC score -
I learned a lot from Teacher James, I did have fun at his lecture .
He gave me many useful suggestions and point out my weakness parts I ignored. I do like his class!
Thank you for your lesson. It is very practicable and useful for me. What you typed is very helpful to review! I want to keep trying this class!