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이번이 나츠코 씨와의 100번째 레슨이었습니다. 나츠코 씨와 즐겁게 이야기하는 것만으로 일본어를 듣고, 말하고, 읽을 수 있게 되었네요. 시간 가는 줄 모르고 이야기하다 보니 공부한다고 의식하지 않고도 일본어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있었어요. 지금까지 이끌어주신 나츠코 씨에게 감사해요. 그리고 앞으로도 잘 부탁해요.^^
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***a P
これから定期的にレッスンをお願いしたいと思っていますので、よろしくお願いします。 -
***ive 2021 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
I love talking with Natsuko, she is very kind and friendly, she helps me to better explain what I want to say. I really enjoy the time I spend talking with her! ❀
I took a lesson with Teacher Natsuko 3months ago. It's pretty been a while to talk with her.
Same as the time, she is always kind so that let me have a chance to speak Japanese.
Feel like talking with an old friend.
You just take the chance to make a new friend, Natsuko!
3개월 전에 나츠코 선생님과 수업을 했었습니다. 오랜만에 다시 선생님과 이야기했어요.
그 때와 마찬가지로 항상 친절하시고 제가 발화할 수 있도록 도와주셨습니다.
오랜 친구과 이야기하는 듯한 느낌이네요.
"나츠코"라는 새로운 친구를 만들 기회를 꼭 잡으세요! -
***ortoday 2021 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
나츠코 씨는 대화를 능숙하게 이끌어주세요. 상대방의 이야기에 집중할 줄 알기 때문이라고 생각해요. 모르는 단어나 문법도 언제나 친절하게 알려주는 밝고 상냥한 나츠코 씨 덕분에, '틀리면 어떡하지?'하는 걱정 없이 편하게 이야기할 수 있어요. 그리고 제게 필요한 부분이 뭔지 항상 함께 고민해 주십니다. 항상 감사하고 있어요. ^^
Free Talk (40 min) -
Today I tried to explain my job to Natsuko-sensei and even though I was lacking a lot of important vocabulary, sensei gently helped me find the right words and phrases in Japanese. I feel more confident that I can talk about my everyday life now, although I ended up only talking about myself during the lesson! Sorry sensei! Thank you lots ♡
Free Talk (40 min) -
오늘도 나츠코 씨와 함께 책을 읽고 이야기를 나누었습니다. 처음엔 서툴렀던 일본어책 읽기도 나츠코 씨 덕분에 점점 나아지고 있네요. 계속 틀려도 포기하지 않고 알기 쉽게 설명해 주십니다.^^ 정말로 감사하고 있어요. 나츠코 씨가 아니었다면 일본어 공부를 이렇게 즐겁게 계속할 수 있었을까 싶네요. 요즘은 나츠코 씨와 만나는 날이 가장 기대되는 날입니다.
Free Talk (40 min) -
Today, Natsuko-sensei and I chatted more about cultural differences between Japan and Australia. We discussed attitudes about drinking culture and the legal age difference (18 in Aus and 20 in Japan), which sounds like a heavy topic but it's always fun and lighthearted when talking with Natsuko-sensei, even when I make basic grammar mistakes ( 〃▽〃) Thank you Natsuko-sensei!!♡
Free Talk (40 min) -
Wrote a short text together. Sensei was very responsive and enthusiastic. Thank you for the help.
Today Natsuko-sensei and I talked about all the seasonal flavours of autumn like chestnut and roasted sweet potato. We found out that we both enjoy roasted sweet potato flavoured sweets and tried the sweet potato frappuccino at Starbucks lol (♡‿♡) It was really nice to relax and talk about whatever came up without feeling pressured. Thank you as usual Natsuko-sensei, see you next time! ♡
Free Talk (40 min) -
一日ハッピーな気分にしてくれます。ありがとうございました! -
오늘도 나츠코 씨와 즐겁게 일본어로 이야기를 나눴습니다. 나츠코 씨와 이야기하면 일본어로 이야기하는데도 전혀 지치지 않고, 눈 깜빡할 사이에 시간이 흘러가 버리네요. 온종일 함께 이야기하고 싶을 정도예요. ^^ 나츠코 씨와 많은 이야기를 나눈 덕택에 새로운 단어와 표현도 자연스레 알게 되어, 일본어 실력도 자연스레 늘게 되는 것 같아요. 앞으로도 잘 부탁드려요. ^^
Free Talk (40 min) -
Natsuko-sensei and I talked about お月見 and other Japanese holidays and special foods today which is always fun to talk about and we discussed differences between Australia and Japan. We came to a lot of revelations about the differences in cuisine lol ( 〃▽〃) I got to learn a lot of natural phrases in Japanese too and as usual it was lots of fun! Thank you sensei! ♡
Free Talk (40 min) -
It's been about a month since I've had a lesson with Natsuko-sensei but it felt just like yesterday! I talked too much about myself but sensei was very gracious (lol). As usual, she was great at continuing the conversation and asking questions without making me feel nervous. Thanks so much Natsuko-sensei and see you soon! ♡
Free Talk (40 min) -
Had many mess-ups and stutters, but Natsuko-sensei is very kind and was able to keep the flow of the conversation going smoothly.
She also helped correct my pronunciation and vocabulary throughout.
All in all, she is very friendly and a great conversation partner/teacher!Free Talk (40 min) -
Super easy to talk to each other! I have no idea how fast the time has gone!! Was very FUN!!
Excited to have any conversation!
I really recommend Teacher Natsuko. I'm sure to keep studying Japanese with Natsuko.
Thank you so much!!^^ See you later!!
이야기 하기 정말 쉬운 선생님 입니다! 시간이 얼마나 빨리 지나갔는지 모를 정도로 즐거웠어요!!
무슨 이야기를 하든 잘 반응해주시고 정말 기분 좋게 대화할 수 있었어요.
나츠코 선생님을 강력 추천합니다. 다시 나츠코 쌤하고 공부할 것 같습니다.
감사했습니다^^ 다음에 다시 뵐게요!!