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How relaxing chatting it was! Thanks Anthony as always. I could concentrate on our conversation, hence I could catch a lot of words and phrases with the help of you. I believe keeping on practicing with you will increase my conversation skills! See you later, Anthony.
We talked about aging because my dad often slips his mind due to it! He listened to me patiently, and he gave me some advice even though I couldn't express myself. Your assistance that I'm at loss what I want to say in English is greatly useful, and I think it would improve my communication skills.
Thanks Anthony! We engaged in a gloomy conversation, but that was very meaningful.
How fun chatting it was! We talked about the treats and dishes in Christmas which are baked by your wife. And, the differences of rocking down system here and there. Thanks for fantastic time as always! I wish you will have a merry Christmas and happy new year.
***iko 2020 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
Thank you very much!
He took care for me about his speaking speed. He was kind, I could ask him any questions!
Thank you for sharing the time with me!! -
I am amazed that you are a good at baking! thanks for a fun and useful chatting as usual. You gave me a wide variety of things in the lesson, and I like to increase my vocabularies from you. It seems quite valuable.
We swapped a wide variety of things one another. I really like Hallowe'en, so I could get to know about it what's happening there!
Fall is coming now. We talked about this season in a fun way. Thanks for a cheerful conversation, Anthony as always. -
We talked about the corona virus situations in Canada and here in Japan. I understand the reasons why some people, especially in Canada and the US would not be comfortable with a facial mask. In addition, I got an intriguing point of view the difference between two countries trough our chatting. Thank for an invaluable time as always! Anthony.
***iko 2020 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
Thanks Anthony for correcting my writing. That was very valuable to me. I wish I would write better like you, but I'll keep it up.
What a fun chatting it was! We talked about his garden and what kind of vegetables and fruits growing currently. I learned some vegetable words in English, and he explained many things to me explicitly. It was a fun time for me to talk with you. Thanks, Anthony.
We talked about animal domestication in the lesson, which comes from TOEFL Speaking section. There are two critical factors when it comes to this topic. The one is living closely with others in society, could be led to be easily tamed by humans.
The second is whether the hierarchical community or not. For example, antelopes usually don't own a leader and territories, so they usually become aggressive especially in the breeding period when the others enter the other owner's area. To conclude, horses are comfortable with living in the group led by a leader. On the other hand, antelopes are hard to be cooperative with others, so they can't be tamed by humans. -
***iko 2019 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
今まで英会話レッスンを沢山受けてきましたが、アンソニーほど、フィードバックの素晴らしい先生に会ったことがありません!レッスンを録音し、生徒の間違いを書き出し、正しい文に直した上に、その文を読み上げた音声ファイルまでつけてくれます。 私は、ライティングの練習にもなるので、録音を自分で聞いて、自分の発した英語が正しかったか、先生の言ったことが聞き取れていたかを質問しています。もちろん返事には音声ファイルをつけてくれます。 あと、ニュースについて話すのが好きなので、記事のリンクを事前に送ると、必ず読んでくれています。 人柄も穏やかで、よく話を聞いてくれる先生でもあるので、超おすすめです!
自分の話した言葉のフレーズ集になるので、他にはないテキストになります。ありがとうございました。またお願い致します。 -
二回にわたって、私が最近はまっている、true crime podcastについて話しました。暗いテーマにもかかわらず、しっかり聞いてくれ、先生のコメントから新しい単語や表現をゲットすることができました^^またレッスン後には、私の質問に対する英文添削や音声ファイルもいつも通りつけてくれました。先生の変わらぬ手厚いフィードバックには本当に感謝です!
The 2nd lesson♪
Thank you very much!
I enjoyed talking with him. We talked about our jobs, the ways to study languages and etc.
See you soon again!!
Thanks again!!⭐︎