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初次上課也很放鬆,老師親切的笑容和溫和的教學氣氛讓人倍感安心,沒有形式化的自我介紹,隨自己感興趣的話題練習,老師很好聊,30分鐘全程無尷尬冷場!課後會透過 Google Workspace 提供錯誤分析與自然表達建議,相當充實!
初めてのレッスンでも緊張せず、先生の優しい笑顔と穏やかな雰囲気で自然とリラックス。形式的な自己紹介にとらわれず、好きな話題を楽しみながら会話を進められるので、あっという間の30分!レッスン後は不自然な表現や間違いをGoogle Workspaceで丁寧にフィードバックしてくれるので、復習もばっちり。
Taku-sensei is extremely easy to talk to and provides a lot of space for student output. He matches his level to that of the student and provides lots of encouragement. His free-talk lesson is excellent for anyone wanting to practice Japanese conversation and learn about Japanese culture.
Taku先生は非常に話しやすく、生徒が発言しやすい環境を作ってくれます。生徒のレベルに合わせて、たくさんの励ましを与えてくれます。Taku先生のフリートークレッスンは、日本語会話の練習と日本文化の学習をしたい人にとって最適です。 -
Taku Sensei gave a brilliant lesson where we covered many conversational topics. We also studied in depth grammar points. Taku Sensei is a wonderful patient and hard working teacher. Thank you Taku Sensei.
Taku Sensei and I went through so many grammar points. His material in the lesson is of very high quality and the lesson details are sent by file afterwards to me to review. The lessons are very professional and I have not really had a Sensei that took as much time and effort as Taku Sensei with personalising each lesson, and personalising the lesson review. Taku Sensei allows me to learn what I am interested in, and that in turn makes me retail more grammar and vocabulary. This is no lesson just from a boring old textbook. I am completely immersed during the 60 minutes and the lesson goes by so fast.
Brilliant lesson with Taku Sensei today, I really enjoyed every single minute. Taku Sensei is a master of keeping the learning fun and interesting. We went through a lot of material today, discussed a lot of kanji and new vocabulary and introduced a new grammar point. I would very much recommend Taku Sensei to those people wanting an all round language teacher that can progress the students speaking level. Very much looking forward to my next lesson.
***an_ 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
Taku Sensei's N3 lessons are well prepared and I think about the lesson long after it has finished. The lesson feedback is great and Taku Sensei is professional and fun. His voice is very clear and lessons are very well organised. Taku Sensei uses screen sharing and I am always confident of the content I am working on. I would recommend these N3 lessons to anyone who is considering the JLPT exam and also for those who need Japanese for daily conversation.
***an_ 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
Taku Sensei's N3 lessons are well prepared and I think about the lesson long after it has finished. The lesson feedback is great and Taku Sensei is professional and fun. His voice is very clear and lessons are very well organised. Taku Sensei uses screen sharing and I am always confident of the content I am working on. I would recommend these N3 lessons to anyone who is considering the JLPT exam and also for those who need Japanese for daily conversation.
Taku Sensei introduced new grammar points and we enjoyed talking about them in detail. I was able to remember the previous lessons grammar points and bring them to the lesson. Taku Sensei is extremely professional and his lessons are prepared in advance. I will be doing the homework he suggested and really look forward to his lessons next week. Thank you for everything Taku Sensei.
Brilliant lesson today with Taku Sensei. We dived deep into Japanese and talked non stop for an hour covering some of the most commonly used grammar. Taku Sensei had prepared a slide for our lesson, is a master at calming my "Japanese speaking panic brain' , his calm soothing voice brought out the best in me. I would very much recommend him to anyone who wants a serious Japanese teacher. He is fun and when you are having fun it doesn't seem like a lesson.
Fantastic first lesson with Taku Sensei, he was very engaging and our conversation was relaxed and so enjoyable. He is a master of keeping the conversation going in a positive way even when I was nervous and couldn't find the right words to say. I am very much looking forward to booking his lesson again.
오늘 일본어 강의를 들으면서 선생님의 따뜻하고 친절한 진행 덕분에 배움에 대한 부담이 한결 줄었습니다. 특히 서로 공감할 수 있는 다양한 주제를 다루며, 일본 문화와 사회 현황, 그리고 일본인이 바라보는 한국의 이미지 등 흥미로운 이야기를 폭넓게 나눌 수 있었는데요. 이러한 대화들이 수업에 더욱 집중하도록 만들어 주었고, 선생님의 세심한 피드백은 큰 동기부여가 되었습니다. 물론 수업 내용 그 자체도 중요했지만, 선생님과 학생 간의 유쾌하고 진솔한 소통 덕분에 더욱 기억에 남는 시간이었습니다.
무엇보다 이번 강의에서 가장 인상 깊었던 부분은 선생님의 따뜻하고 배려 깊은 태도입니다. 지식을 일방적으로 전달하는 데서 끝나지 않고, 학생들의 이해도와 관심사를 세심하게 살피며 필요한 부분을 적극적으로 도와주셨습니다. 수업 분위기가 ‘함께 생각하고 소통하기’에 초점을 맞춰져 있어, 궁금한 점을 편하게 질문할 수 있었고 의견을 나누는 과정에서도 전혀 부담을 느끼지 않았습니다.
특히 일본의 문화적 특징이나 사회 현상에 대해 이야기를 나눌 때, 학생들이 쉽게 이해하고 흥미를 느낄 수 있도록 예시와 비유를 적절히 활용해 주셨는데요. 예컨대 일본인들이 일상생활에서 한국 문화에 대해 느끼는 인상이나 매체에서 바라보는 한국 이미지를 구체적으로 설명해 주셔서, 서로의 문화를 새롭게 이해하고 공감하는 기회가 되었습니다. 덕분에 학습을 넘어선 긍정적인 경험을 쌓을 수 있었고, 앞으로도 이 수업에 꾸준히 참여하고 싶다는 생각이 들었습니다.