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I enjoyed her lesson very much. It was easy for me to understand what she said and I could collect myself to speak in English calmly. She taught me how to pronounce "W, R and L" which I couldn't do well. She proposed four areas of study for me, and I'm looking forward to taking her lessons.30 Minutes of English
English Idioms
Thank you very much today. I could talk my weekend story. She always teach me correct sentences after my talk. So I can talk using correct words or sentences.
30 Minutes of English
British vs American English
영국식 영어와 미국식 영어의 차이에 대해서 단어 위주로 알아보는 시간이었습니다. 선생님은 아주 친절하시고 좋은 분이시지만 저는 악센트 위주의 수업을 기대했는데 단어 위주로 진행됐고 발음보다는 퀴즈를 풀어 나가는데 촛점이 맞춰져있었습니다. 또한 수업진행이 느렸던 것도 아닌데 30분은 약간 짧은 감이 있네요. 무료로 5~10분정도 추가 수업을 해주셔서 프린트물은 진도를 끝낼 수 있었지만, 강의 구성면이나 내용면에서 아쉬운 점이 있었습니다.
終了後のフィードバックも早く、とても充実した授業です。60 Minutes of English
I'm more than satisfied with this lesson. I sometimes have my writing proofread on Cafetalk, but Ms. Laura is the best teacher so far. Her correction is clear and easy to understand. The fee is also affordable compared to other teachers. Thank you so much.
ありがとうございました。Vocabulary building - What can you see ?
***IKO Horiuchi
質問を絶え間なくしてくれクイックリスポンスの勉強になりました。30 Minutes of English
Recommend to all students. Fulfilling and enjoyable lesson.
Let me check your English level
30 Minutes of English
English Idioms
Thank you for today's lesson! I learned a lot of things; words, grammars, pronunciations and presentations. I will remember thing you taught me, before my presentation.
30 Minutes of English
It was a good lesson. It was only 30 minutes but she gave me a document and some phrasal verbs. I enjoyed her lesson with that. She has a good skill for teaching English.
30 Minutes of English
Thank you for today's lesson. She is so kind to teach correct sentences, word and grammar. She always helps me to speak or explain something. いつも本当に勉強になります
30 Minutes of English
I enjoy her lesson every time. She teaches grammar, word, pronunciation, etc in detail. とても話しやすい雰囲気でいつも大変勉強になります。
30 Minutes of English
30 Minutes of English
She helped me with practicing for an interview. The advice she gave me during and after the lesson was extremely helpful, and I leant a lot even though the lesson was only 30 mins. Strongly recommended for those who want to improve their English seriously. Thank you, Laura!
30 Minutes of English
今後とも継続して受講する予定です。English Idioms
Thank you, Laura. I enjoyed your lesson very much. In this sixty minites lesson, I learned a lot of useful words and expressions that I could use in daily conversation. I think her lesson is excellent.