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楽しくレッスンができました。 -
Cafetalk (* Auto-generated feedback)
The tutor did not show up for the lesson
初めてのスペイン語学習で少し緊張感をもってレッスンにのぞみました。 講師がやさしくゆっくりと、時にはほめていただけたのでモチベーションになるとおもいます。 アルファベットの読み方から単語の読み方など基本をおしえてもらいました。 練習が必要と思います。
***odelsol 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
日本語を分かった上で、レッスンをしてもらえるので、こちらの事情をよく理解してもらえます。何に困っているかなど、伝わりやすいですよ。 -
It's been a while for learning Spanish after a long vacation. Kotoko-sensei was very patient and helped me review the previous lesson. I really appreciated her.
*** Hallie
Kotoko is sweet and gentle!
She went through a PDF file with me and we went over the basics of Spanish.
I look forward to taking her lesson again :) -
Today Kotoko-sensei tried to ask me some simple questions in Spanish, so it's really happy to have the chance to do my best to answer in Spanish as well. It was a good practice. Even though I forgot some words, Kotoko-sensei did really wait for my answers patiently. She is a good teacher.
It's been 2 weeks since last lesson but Kotoko sensei was very patient to help me review the content and give me some additional practices. I'm glad to have Kotoko-sensei be my Spanish teacher.