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I attent the lesson of Russian Poetry and studied one of the Alexander Blok's famous poems - ‘Night, street, street-light, drugstore’ (1912). Before the lesson, I had told the tutor that I didn't know any Russian. That's why we read the poem in English. Night, street, lamp, drugstore, A dull and meaningless light. Go on and live another quarter century - Nothing will change. There's no way out. You'll die - start from the beginning anew, And all will repeat, just like before: Night, icy ripples on a canal, Drugstore, street, lamp. Ночь, улица, фонарь, аптека, Бессмысленный и тусклый свет. Живи еще хоть четверть века - Все будет так. Исхода нет. Умрешь - начнешь опять сначала И повторится все, как встарь: Ночь, ледяная рябь канала, Аптека, улица, фонарь.